no, no, just the battery expansion flaps (hydraulic) and the chain-driven electron pump and the electromechanical polarity re-reverser with its heavy-duty synchronizing chain guided with little tabs made of pressed M&M shells
no, no, just the battery expansion flaps (hydraulic) and the chain-driven electron pump and the electromechanical polarity re-reverser with its heavy-duty synchronizing chain guided with little tabs made of pressed M&M shells
Across bikes and cars, I’d guess once a month?
Watch out for the cops with bulldozers blocking the road.
Now THAT’S a Jalop story!
The belch really rounds out the visual.
This was perfect. Bravo.
This is excellent commentary
Flash tuning voids warranty, film at 11.
$32k is still a tad expensive. I am just waiting for the Eagle Talon to hit 40k in the future.
Does the AVClub still do their year end “Least Essential” lists?
Here’s the full inspection in Michigan:
Literally do nothing.
God what I wouldn’t give to have a residence and live in Düsseldorf as of late. It’s embarrassing recently to be American and our friends in that fantastic city are all so supportive of their progressive counterparts living in the land of the ever present dumpster fire.
Holy shit, I totally forgot about the Contour, but I remember I liked them when I worked at a used car lot in high school. Did they just evaporate into thin air?
Contour SVT was underrated, but should have gotten the bigger motor imho. Also, the interior had... fall apart issues at times.
My favorite from around the same time:
This is the ultimate.
16K Kit cars are 356 replica, Cobra replica. Nothing else is worth anything close.
Not sure why anyone would ruin a perfectly good MR2 to build....this.