
I have to wonder if Debra Messing threw up in her mouth a little as she said those lines. I mean…what? I don't even need to get snarky or go into detail, we all know that shit was bananas and insulting as hell. I actually felt like I'd been slapped in the face.

"Good GOD Lemon" would have been such a better name. Man Ben & Jerry's really missed the mark on this one. SO MANY POSSIBILITIES


Yeah, that was really wonderfully done. All of the goodbyes were.

I would absolutely eat that.

Agreed. I also disagree with the dislike of the reveal of the Brian the boom mic guy. I found that moment so incredibly moving, I actually teared up. I guess give it up to Jenna Fischer, who is a hell of an actress and completely sold that scene. For a second I think I actually forgot she was playing a character. In

Agreed. I also disagree with the dislike of the reveal of the Brian the boom mic guy. I found that moment so incredibly moving, I actually teared up. I guess give it up to Jenna Fischer, who is a hell of an actress and completely sold that scene. For a second I think I actually forgot she was playing a character. In

Yeah, bummer. That was SUCH a good theory.

Did anyone else notice Barney completely failing with the chopsticks in the first scene? I don't know why but I found it hilarious. No attention was directly called to it, he just couldn't get a single bite into his mouth. That really tickled me for some reason.

Did anyone else notice Barney completely failing with the chopsticks in the first scene? I don't know why but I found it hilarious. No attention was directly called to it, he just couldn't get a single bite into his mouth. That really tickled me for some reason.

So is anyone going to talk about what they thought of the film, or is the only conversation really worth having about the make-up? Jeeeeze….

So is anyone going to talk about what they thought of the film, or is the only conversation really worth having about the make-up? Jeeeeze….

Best line of the episode absolutely goes to Robin. "She's not a lesbian, and she CERTAINLY doesn't farm them." Excellent.

Best line of the episode absolutely goes to Robin. "She's not a lesbian, and she CERTAINLY doesn't farm them." Excellent.

You can buy the episode for about $2 on Amazon On Demand. I get a TV pass, that's how I keep up.

You can buy the episode for about $2 on Amazon On Demand. I get a TV pass, that's how I keep up.

I actually agree. The show is probably (hopefully?) building to something very serious with that.

I actually agree. The show is probably (hopefully?) building to something very serious with that.

Augh and I forgot to mention this, but I love the chemistry between Adam Scott and Amy Poehler. Whenever they kiss or flirt or are just together it looks and feels so natural. They are awesome together.

Augh and I forgot to mention this, but I love the chemistry between Adam Scott and Amy Poehler. Whenever they kiss or flirt or are just together it looks and feels so natural. They are awesome together.