
I think that tension was intentional, and part of what made the episode great. There was a lot of learning and growing in this episode. Anne is starting to learn to be her own person, Chris is trying to learn how to be happy, Ron is learning how to care for someone in a healthy, normal way, Tom is learning how to take

I think that tension was intentional, and part of what made the episode great. There was a lot of learning and growing in this episode. Anne is starting to learn to be her own person, Chris is trying to learn how to be happy, Ron is learning how to care for someone in a healthy, normal way, Tom is learning how to take

For one horrifying moment when Leslie was making Ben wait to finish proposing, I thought from the way they were filming the scene the way she delivered her line about needing to remember how perfect her life was at that moment, that she was going to say no. Not because she didn't want to marry him (because duh of

For one horrifying moment when Leslie was making Ben wait to finish proposing, I thought from the way they were filming the scene the way she delivered her line about needing to remember how perfect her life was at that moment, that she was going to say no. Not because she didn't want to marry him (because duh of

I wonder if they wrote out the crazy neighbor character who was obsessed with/in love with Chloe. I kind of hope so. She never added much to the show for me.

I wonder if they wrote out the crazy neighbor character who was obsessed with/in love with Chloe. I kind of hope so. She never added much to the show for me.

My husband is leaning towards a father/son relationship between Isaac and Vicktor, but I think lovers is far more in keeping with the turns this show likes to take. Also, I don't think Isaac is old enough to be Vicktor's father, so there's that as well.

My husband is leaning towards a father/son relationship between Isaac and Vicktor, but I think lovers is far more in keeping with the turns this show likes to take. Also, I don't think Isaac is old enough to be Vicktor's father, so there's that as well.

Yes, that was the information the above article conveyed.

Yes, that was the information the above article conveyed.

See, I don't think he's even that much of an asshole. Not at heart. I think there's a good man somewhere in him, who loves his son and just wants to find him, but as this show keeps repeating ad infinitum "magic comes with a price." That price was clearly Rumpie's humanity. But as we know, all curses can be broken so

See, I don't think he's even that much of an asshole. Not at heart. I think there's a good man somewhere in him, who loves his son and just wants to find him, but as this show keeps repeating ad infinitum "magic comes with a price." That price was clearly Rumpie's humanity. But as we know, all curses can be broken so

Boy oh boy did we ever.

Boy oh boy did we ever.

Aaah so I'm not the only one who thought he looked a bit like David Bowie.

Aaah so I'm not the only one who thought he looked a bit like David Bowie.

Oh snap, you're right. First born and all that.

Oh snap, you're right. First born and all that.

They didn't actually go anywhere. The whole "captured and being made to serve as 'ship's companion'" thing was a lie that Captain Leather Pants told to Rumple to cover for the fact that Milla had fallen in love with him (and presumably he with her) and had asked to go with them. I really felt like that they made that

They didn't actually go anywhere. The whole "captured and being made to serve as 'ship's companion'" thing was a lie that Captain Leather Pants told to Rumple to cover for the fact that Milla had fallen in love with him (and presumably he with her) and had asked to go with them. I really felt like that they made that