
Actually, I disagree with the assertion that the show is trying to say that rape (and in this instance, male-on-male rape) is the worst thing ever. Jamie actually states in the episode where we learn that Randall had propositioned him that it WASN'T the idea of the sex that he disliked so much, but the idea of letting

You're joking but oh god it sounds so plausible as a Downton plot.

Right? I was like "oh no, he's a racecar driver! This is sure to upset Mary considering the love of her life was killed in a car accident!" and then instead Mary was all "vroom vroom yeah baby get my motor running" and I was like "oh guess not huh."

Was anybody else horrendously uncomfortable with the whole "Sue locking Kurt and Blaine in an elevator and forcing them to kiss" thing? I mean, I know it was stupid, like BEYOND stupid, but it really really bugged me. Probably more than it should have but it super creeped me out.

Saaaaaaaaaame. My husband didn't believe me, but I saw that shit coming a mile away!

That is a sex scene I could totally get behind (figuratively and literally oh my god) and not just because I find both Mads and Gillian so incredibly attractive. Mads Mikkelsen is devastatingly sexy to be sure, and his portrayal of Hannibal no less so. I am a long-time Hannibal fan girl to begin with, to the point

Well to be fair, Mindy does have an ass that won't quit.

I agree! I'm still so mad at Danny for breaking up with Mindy in the first place, I don't feel like he deserves to have her back yet. Maybe next week will change my mind, but especially have that crap he pulled with trying to kiss her in last night's episode, I am just not in the mood. I still love them together and

I basically spent the whole B plot of this episode shouting at my TV "WELL WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN DANNY!?" I mean really…you break up with Mindy after like two weeks and you seriously think you can just jump right back into being bff's? You're insane. Ugh I hate you so much right now.

Augh I know, I actually yelled at TV because of the lack of hugging. I mean, kind of like, theoretically ship Swanqueen. I think it could be great, but I don't usually see a lot of evidence supporting it in-show. However not having them at least HUG goodbye was a major missed moment. Not to mention I really could have

"Tom Hanks has been highly praised for his performance in the title role of Captain Phillips, but the bulk of his work in the movie is best described as solid, professional, and workmanlike." - This perfectly describes how I felt about Hanks's performance up until the last five or so minutes of Captain Phillips. I

Please, I have enough trouble separating the two shows in my mind as it is. I don't think my fragile psyche could actually handle that.

I got a good laugh out of that one, too. Her delivery was excellent. You know a line reading is good if you feel compelled to repeat it verbatim immediately after seeing it.

Uh, last I checked this show has a very loyal fanbase, which will be very bummed to see it go on hiatus. I love The Mindy Project. It can be inconsistent, for sure, but when it's good, it's really good. The cast works great together. I would seriously miss it on my TV screen if it were to get cancelled. I just hope

Did anyone else think the "twist" of the episode was going to be that Leena was actually Ichabod's descendant? I was certain that was going to be the case, with the way they kept talking about family and everything. I was very surprised when they did not take it there.

I'm digging this show so far. It's fun and spooky, and I'm already finding myself sailing away on the good ship Ichabod/Abby (gonna need a name for that one…). Anyway, while watching with my hubby the other night, he said "Wouldn't it make more sense for the witnesses to be Abby and Jenny, not Abby and Ichabod?" on

Glad to see somebody besides me felt this way. In the next scene when Franco "confessed" to "having sex with" Christina, I actually said out loud "well really she raped you, but whatever, I guess." The whole episode was totally weird, tonally, and what enjoyment I did get out of the "shots-off" scene was soured by the

Man, this show can still KILL IT when it wants to. That ending sequence was just…ugh…so many feels.

I am so with you on all of this. I could just be hormonal or something, but I legit teared up at the end. I have been sailing the good ship Mindy/Danny pretty much since episode 1 (the chemistry between those two is just amazing!), but I definitely think the characters need to grow a lot before that relationship could

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST BEAUTY AND THE BEAST OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T ANY OF THEM SAY BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. *ahem* Sorry. It was seriously tweaking me out. But my god they even had the bright red rose corsage. That dress WAS Belle's gown, re-imagined as a bad 80's cocktail dress.