
Oh I know they did, and I couldn't and still can't believe it. I think she's just awful. She's just acting. SO. HARD.

Oh I know they did, and I couldn't and still can't believe it. I think she's just awful. She's just acting. SO. HARD.

I'm pretty sure Dmitry is straight, although I agree his sexual orientation doesn't matter in the least, especially not when it comes to who thinks HE'S sexy. But he seemed pretty impressed by Heidi in that Rockette's outfit, and not in your typical "gay man impressed by a lady" way. Or maybe I'm just reading too much

I'm pretty sure Dmitry is straight, although I agree his sexual orientation doesn't matter in the least, especially not when it comes to who thinks HE'S sexy. But he seemed pretty impressed by Heidi in that Rockette's outfit, and not in your typical "gay man impressed by a lady" way. Or maybe I'm just reading too much

I actually thought it was very helpful to focus most of the episode on Storybrooke. If we had been jumping back and forth between the two worlds, I feel like the pacing of the episode, which for once was very good, would have been all thrown off. It was important to deal with the reactions of the citizens of

I actually thought it was very helpful to focus most of the episode on Storybrooke. If we had been jumping back and forth between the two worlds, I feel like the pacing of the episode, which for once was very good, would have been all thrown off. It was important to deal with the reactions of the citizens of

Good GOD I hope not!

Good GOD I hope not!

I definitely didn't understand what his suite had to do with a "wise mystic" but I loved the design of it nonetheless.

I definitely didn't understand what his suite had to do with a "wise mystic" but I loved the design of it nonetheless.

Ah! I didn't even catch the New Jim/Erin thing. I mean, I knew he was kind of crushing on her, but I didn't put the whole "Jim-Pam" thing together with it. That's really kind of subtlety brilliant. Or maybe it's not subtle at all and I am just extremely unobservant! Could be either, really.

Ah! I didn't even catch the New Jim/Erin thing. I mean, I knew he was kind of crushing on her, but I didn't put the whole "Jim-Pam" thing together with it. That's really kind of subtlety brilliant. Or maybe it's not subtle at all and I am just extremely unobservant! Could be either, really.

He was offering Darryl the job, but also talking about himself. I don't know, I thought it made sense.

He was offering Darryl the job, but also talking about himself. I don't know, I thought it made sense.

As a huge fan of Dmitry pretty much right from the get-go, I can't be too upset about the outcome of this challenge, even if the challenge itself was pretty wacky and lackluster. I'm confident he'll get to fashion week (I suspect Fabio or Melissa will get the axe before the actual showing, most likely Melissa). I

As a huge fan of Dmitry pretty much right from the get-go, I can't be too upset about the outcome of this challenge, even if the challenge itself was pretty wacky and lackluster. I'm confident he'll get to fashion week (I suspect Fabio or Melissa will get the axe before the actual showing, most likely Melissa). I

Geeze guy, can we leave the half-baked political rants somewhere else? Last I checked, this was an article about television.

Geeze guy, can we leave the half-baked political rants somewhere else? Last I checked, this was an article about television.

It's strange to me they didn't mention Malcolm in the Middle at all when talking about successful sitcoms featuring middle to lower-middle class families. I loved that show when it was in its heydey, and having grown up in similar economic circumstances I never felt like it was making fun of me or my life. Louis and

It's strange to me they didn't mention Malcolm in the Middle at all when talking about successful sitcoms featuring middle to lower-middle class families. I loved that show when it was in its heydey, and having grown up in similar economic circumstances I never felt like it was making fun of me or my life. Louis and