
"[Dmitry's] grim realism does not get old. He and Elena are so amusingly bitter in this episode that they make a strong case for the On The Road With Austin & Santino-style spinoff that has been proposed in the comments. " - Oh my god I would never not watch this show. Which is to say I would watch this show all of

"[Dmitry's] grim realism does not get old. He and Elena are so amusingly bitter in this episode that they make a strong case for the On The Road With Austin & Santino-style spinoff that has been proposed in the comments. " - Oh my god I would never not watch this show. Which is to say I would watch this show all of

Everything with The Doctor and River is adorable, and is compounded by Matt Smith's totally dorky, awkward, sexy charm.

Everything with The Doctor and River is adorable, and is compounded by Matt Smith's totally dorky, awkward, sexy charm.

Hah no I guess not, considering I'm a lady, but especially not a jerk. That type of behaviour seems atypical for a prince on OUAT.

Hah no I guess not, considering I'm a lady, but especially not a jerk. That type of behaviour seems atypical for a prince on OUAT.

Hahaha yeah. Charming does not seem like a capable father (or grandfather, or whatever) at all. Maybe Henry will die from malnourishment and then we'll finally be rid of him!

Hahaha yeah. Charming does not seem like a capable father (or grandfather, or whatever) at all. Maybe Henry will die from malnourishment and then we'll finally be rid of him!

Haha aw…I guess I am the lone weirdo who thinks Robert Carlyle is kind of sexy. But then I've always had a soft spot for unconventional looking baddies with a secret heart of gold. I blame Farscape, really.

Haha aw…I guess I am the lone weirdo who thinks Robert Carlyle is kind of sexy. But then I've always had a soft spot for unconventional looking baddies with a secret heart of gold. I blame Farscape, really.

Eh, I don't know. I think there was a certain amount of ambiguity implied in the scene. Although I do tend to think Phillip was speaking to Aurora. There is no way he would have been making out with her that hardcore if there were something going on with him and Mulan. At least I hope not.

Eh, I don't know. I think there was a certain amount of ambiguity implied in the scene. Although I do tend to think Phillip was speaking to Aurora. There is no way he would have been making out with her that hardcore if there were something going on with him and Mulan. At least I hope not.

Haha I was actually half-expecting that twist. I was getting a really strong vibe from Mulan that the reason she was being so callous towards Aurora wasn't because she jealous of her, but jealous of Phillip! Good to know I wasn't the only one who picked up on that.

Haha I was actually half-expecting that twist. I was getting a really strong vibe from Mulan that the reason she was being so callous towards Aurora wasn't because she jealous of her, but jealous of Phillip! Good to know I wasn't the only one who picked up on that.

I agree to a point. Rescue operations and more strict shelters are trying to prevent animals from going into homes where they will be abused. I certainly don't think a negligent/abusive home is better for an animal than a shelter, where it still has a chance of being adopted by a decent, loving family. But then some

I agree to a point. Rescue operations and more strict shelters are trying to prevent animals from going into homes where they will be abused. I certainly don't think a negligent/abusive home is better for an animal than a shelter, where it still has a chance of being adopted by a decent, loving family. But then some

As has been noted here by a few commenters, does anyone really think Barney and Robin aren't ending up together?  Based on the dialogue in the episode and the fact that they're trying SO HARD to make you think Barney & Robin get cold feet, it's obvious that the real reason Ted is mad at the train station is that he

As has been noted here by a few commenters, does anyone really think Barney and Robin aren't ending up together?  Based on the dialogue in the episode and the fact that they're trying SO HARD to make you think Barney & Robin get cold feet, it's obvious that the real reason Ted is mad at the train station is that he

Overall, I loved it, but the on-going joke with Ellie and David the Concierge (although funny it was David Arquette) really didn't sit well with me. I usually like Ellie's constant put-downs of Andy, because we know they always come from a place of love. She adores her husband, even if she has a terrible way of

Overall, I loved it, but the on-going joke with Ellie and David the Concierge (although funny it was David Arquette) really didn't sit well with me. I usually like Ellie's constant put-downs of Andy, because we know they always come from a place of love. She adores her husband, even if she has a terrible way of