
Was Digital Estate Planning really NOT aired out of order? I just assumed it had been, given that it made no sense continuity wise in the running, ESPECIALLY considering the tag at the end had Troy and Abed in the study room. How could it not have been out of order? I is confuse.

Was Digital Estate Planning really NOT aired out of order? I just assumed it had been, given that it made no sense continuity wise in the running, ESPECIALLY considering the tag at the end had Troy and Abed in the study room. How could it not have been out of order? I is confuse.

I wouldn't classify the Elton John version of Pinball Wizard a cover. He played the character in the movie version of Tommy. It's not like he just did a version of it on his own.

"I’ll never be able to hear people say “Rumpelstiltskin” seriously without thinking it is utterly ridiculous." - Ugh yes. I always refer to him as Gold because I can't take the character seriously otherwise. That being said, he remains my favorite character on the show (and one of the show's consistently great

They all three just need a nice, long break from one another. Burton is a competent enough director when he's not doing his comedic goth shtick, and I think everyone can agree that Depp and Carter are both terrific actors. Granted, Depp does a fair amount of work outside of the Burton stuff, but Carter does not do

FRANKENWEENIE! Oh my god! What a fun, weird, little movie! I had almost completely forgotten about that one.

I agree! They did such a great job of making a loveable "bad guy." I never hated him once because he was so adorably stupid, even though I wanted him to lose. What a perfectly written and acted character.

I agree. Far be it from me to claim an actress is "too old" for one role or another, but Uma Thurman has such a confident air that she carries about her at all times, that I just don't find this flighty chick believable. I could see Uma pulling this off, yes, back in her "younger" days but it's not really about the

Don't worry, it's really not the worst.

Oral herpes and genital herpes are not the same thing. Starburns doesn't clarify WHICH he has, but considering we've never seen him with a cold sore, it's probably genital. He didn't have sex with Britta, just made out with her, so he wouldn't have had the opportunity to pass it along. Funny (if slightly gross)

See, I don't think breaking the curse is Rumple's end game at all. I thought they were making it pretty clear that he only created the curse (or whatever his involvement in it was) so that he could get to our world to find his son, which is what he REALLY wants. That was my thinking.

I think you're a bit off as to what you think Regina was attempting to accomplish by seducing David. We already know why Regina hates Mary Margaret - Regina hates Snow White, because in her twisted mind, Snow White is responsible for the death of her true love. That hate carries over into the real world because Regina

"I think I watched the entire “Rain In Spain” number with an expression of slack-jawed horror. And My Fair Lady is one of my favorite musicals!" - Ugh yes. I turned the volume on my computer waaaaaaaaay down, not because I was watching at work and didn't want to get caught, but because I was so embarrassed to actually

"I think I was so disoriented by how well the show nailed the L&O style that I felt I was watching something dramatic and shouldn't be laughing. " - This was totally it for me. I was so flabbergasted by how much the just NAILED the L&O thing that even while I was totally loving the episode, I barely laughed at all. I

“We got her, Daniel. We got her.” Does Regina really think Daniel would be happy she finally got revenge on that poor little girl with no mom? - I had the same thought. Daniel seemed like a sweet guy. Why would she think he would want to bring down Snow? The only thing I can figure is that Regina is just twisted.

I had the exact same thought. I almost couldn't believe it as I was watching the episode. I mean…really? They literally have "Red" (*groan*) turn into a giant, horrible monster for a week once a month? I mean, I may hate getting my period, but that was just ridiculous. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that.