
Haha! You should definitely do that - I’d love to read it. :) The William/Dolores romance stuff is just boring, and I consider myself a fan of shipping, lol. But the two of them are about as exciting as watching paint dry. I’m not surprised there are very few shippers of them - you get the sense that the show isn’t

Yeah, I need Dolores away from William. Apart, they’re fine as characters (even if William is boring and dull), but together, they’re the worst.

Agreed. William/Dolores is the worst. I’d much, MUCH rather the show spent time on Hector/Maeve or any other ship iteration than this. And, with Teddy becoming a real boy soon, I’m curious to see how Real Teddy’s dynamic with Dolores will contrast (or end up similar, who knows) to the William/Dolores yawn-fest.