
The most hilarious thing for me is that the folks ready to run Kaep over the border are the same ones bitching about their 1st Amendment rights when they get taken to task for saying racist/bigoted things. Or when people get on Trump every time he has a mouth shit.

Trump can pivot on immigration all he wants. What he needs to answer for are his ties NAMBLA. People are talking about it. Bigly

Wouldn’t fit on the jerseys

Cuban sandwiches are elite and deserve their own day.

smh PC POLICE and FEMENAZIS at it again!!!111!1! THNX OBUMMER

This should help. Kids love pictures!

His words are so great, why would he bother expanding?

I cannot believe this asshole is going through these pains to protect a wife-beating kicker.

I heard very smart, great people asking questions about Trump’s contributions to NAMBLA. They said that they could be well in excess of $50,000. I am not saying it’s true. But people have been asking

But will he finally address his reported financial ties to NAMBLA? I am not saying it’s true but very smart people are asking questions.

The big secret to sports talk is actually knowing nothing about sprots. Phil Simms has done a tremendous job of just that for decades.

No doubt a smoke screen to hide Trump’s reported NAMBLA donations. I am not saying these reports true. People are asking the questions, though.

I am not saying Trump has donated millions to NAMBLA. BUT, people are asking questions. Important people are asking the questions. These are the best people. Asking the questions.

Rottweilers, Pitbulls, etc will continue to be discriminated against and die in larger numbers in shelters.

I feel terrible for him. That has to be the shittiest feeling in the world.

In my recent weight lost experience (48 lbs in 7-ish months) even if you detest running and weight/resistance training, find other weighs to be active. I play beer league hockey once a week (usually) and I try walking a lot more in addition to my diet plan. For example, at work I need to walk to the break room in the

Heyyyyyy you can’t talk shit about our fans lik*pile driven through flaming table*

These are good headphones. Buy these headphones

These are good headphones. Buy these headphones

Well, it’s Monday and I am slightly hungover, so I will happily accept both the compliment and critique.

Help the Dear Leader root out the traitors. For God and Country!