
Or they were fearful about getting letters from angry white people about making a big deal about Manuel’s accomplishment because she’s black, “AND IT’S NOT ABOUT RACE!!11!1!!”

I just got an email you might be interested in. Went to my spam folder for some reason, though.

That was some good-ass tennis


Is this show still on at midnight too? I say bump All Takes Matter and Skip’s Shit Fest and give her that entire time slot.

Katie Nolan is a goddamned hero.

Not sure. Perhaps John Baron just does social media work for both of them.

I did not hear what they were saying at first, so I assumed it was related to her checked past. Then the nice man commentating the game pointed out that they were, in fact, yelling “ZIKA!” which did not make a whole lot of sense. I mean, what’s next?

Fuck the Dolphins for introducing the Wildcat

My favorite was when I got to deplane on the tarmac in Cancun. I felt like a goddamn rockstar showing up for a 5-day, 4-night booze/hooker/coke bender.

*packs bags for Jaaaaaacksssssonnnnvillle*

TLDR of this rambling: Find something that works for you. Stick to it. Do it for you and no one else. Do it until happy.

FFS, it wasn’t that long ago that a President deemed himself “The Decider.”

I’d tend to agree with your stance on the inverse.

God dammit. I’ll see you in hell. +1

Or if you are going because you want to see the Colombian side win the Copa Libertadores, just wear a national team shirt or something of that ilk.

Time for another edition of: Is it early-onset CTE or alcoholism?

I still don’t feel bad for a single one of those assholes. Don’t get me wrong, I am sure some of them are good people, but fuck those assholes.

“garbage plate” means something totally different down there

So cool to see Melania do things like this after her great speech the other night