Your inclusion of the word “cromulent” truly embiggened this piece.
I heard the interview and I thought it was fine. He came off exactly as he is: small minded & weak.
Just curious if anyone happens to know his lawyers personal information? Asking for the good of humanity.
cultural parasites and contemptibly dull
The last time Democrats held a super-majority they did so largely on the backs of Blue Dogs winning in red districts in ‘06 & ‘08. Those Blue Dogs ushered in the ACA (at the expense of their seats amid the Tea Party backlash). While not perfectly progressive, the ACA was more than 0.
Not enough stars. Well done, gents!
Civilian here. Bunch of my best friends all enlisted (Army, Navy, Marines). I’m the beneficiary of some good stories around the firepit.
The man is a giant coward.
I expect that in 10 years; when boomers realize their safety net is kaput and they can’t downsize the McMansion in suburbia because millennials are overloaded with student debt; you are going to see a lot of libertarians become socialists overnight.
An aging demographic voted en masse for the party that turns HD’s slow death into a rapid painful one.
“Have you been drinking while operating this vehicle?”
Abrams and Johnson are too smart to let that happen. They’ve clearly tinkered with every move, emotion & lens flare to build a world
Hot Take:
I have NEVER laughed as hard at a bit as I laughed during the hotel fight scene. It was alarming. I actually laughed so hard & for so long that I lost my breath to the point that I saw spots. When I was finally back to (semi) normal, I glanced over at my wife who had a terrified look on her face. During my laughing…
wah wah wee wah
The GOP really showed their ass on this one.
Glad to see it’s reaching the intended audience.
DELETED - misread your comment good sir