Obnoxious sullys are one thing; whipping D cells, bottles & vomit at opposing fans is a level all it’s own. Philly sports fans are next level terrible.
Obnoxious sullys are one thing; whipping D cells, bottles & vomit at opposing fans is a level all it’s own. Philly sports fans are next level terrible.
I use public chargers all the time for two reasons: it’s usually a really good spot close to the mall/theater/downtown & it’s basically free gas (I’m cheap) . In fact, the existence of a charger informs my purchasing decisions. eg. I take my son for hot chocolate after his Saturday practice to the starbucks a town…
Good lord, YES! The 2nd gen Chevy Blazer ZR2 was a great looking crossover. It can be done and done well.
These are the same jamokes that adore the slower, sloppier college game because “passing. team play. strategy”. Even though, statistically, there’s far more ball movement & schemes in the NBA.
Ah yes, the worn out “You’re too dumb to have your opinion taken seriously”.
While in his mind, this is the standard practice for payday loans
I felt it was done with a fair bit of wit. I imagine he has a stout case but this won’t be the ruination of Keystone as a brand.
Counterpoint: She’s from Wheaton & won her seat in the IL house by 21pts.
Oh shit! We live in the future!
Trump will complete his presidency “with no medical issues.”
Kirk would have a large coaches meeting at his house after gamedays, and that all the cars would leave him blocked in and unable to go to church.
You literally just counter-punched your own argument. If people bought for 100% of their needs Uhaul would not exist, Home Depot wouldn’t rent pick-ups & (to apply this logic to housing) no one would ever share a bedroom.
Is that available as a ringtone. Asking for a friend.
So...in other words, build the Chevy Bolt?
I never knew that eating a meat was an act of political defiance. Now I know. Now I’m confused. Now I don’t feel like grilling that steak I thawed.
I married into a very staunch rural republican family and unlike my fellow urban democrats, I do not shy away from dinner-table politics.