To be fair; SpaceX launchings have more suspense than your typical MNF game & twice the disaster potential as the Bills v. Jets.
To be fair; SpaceX launchings have more suspense than your typical MNF game & twice the disaster potential as the Bills v. Jets.
Going to the mattresses for a ride out of Oakland is the most Raider thing ever.
It was actually a he. It’s worth noting that the question was regarding hypocrisy re: treatment of gays within the student code of conduct and was absolutely appropriate for the venue (Town Hall w/ the President) and it didn’t end with the apple being thrown. The student who threw it also posted a threatening…
Wheaton, IL native here.
+1 Less Kung-Fu than I was expecting.
The WS6 was the perfect car for the dawn of MLB’s steroid era.
Tom Llamas calls his neighbors after 9PM to let them know their wireless isn’t password protected.
Counter offer. We become our own state, but when you drive up to visit you, Granny Ethel & the rest of the bus tour must be off of all the sidewalks in the loop after 4:30 and can only return once I catch my train.
Take your star you magnificent bastard.
Right on. If you make it clinical as fuck it is a punishment. What AP did was lose it and start banging on his kid with a whip; that's not punishment and I wish people would stop conflating the two.
How could anyone not love Jay Cutler?
Still less confusing than a Shawn Kemp interview.
How are you going to hate on the GI / InBev relationship when you failed to mention that Boulevard is owned by Duvel? Granted, InBev(mostly) makes shit & Duvel (mostly) doesn't, but who's to say Duvel is incapable of yanking the corporate leash to bring cost in-line? If the ledger dictates a change in ingredients or…
I cut my drinking teeth on Fuller's. 20 year old kid doing a study abroad in London. I love that stuff. Just thinking about London Pride gives me a chubby.
Indeed. I would also add that they were being squeezed by distribution because they couldn't keep up with demand. 312 catching fire the way it did made production a nightmare. The brewing staff (that didn't bail to start-up the multitude of crafts that litter the north and west sides) were given total autonomy to have…
He's taken the Steven Seagal formula: low budget, bad dialogue, creative fight sequences, no romance, lots of bang-bang-smash-pow, throw in a broken femur and a yell "Cut!"; and never turned in an unwatchable movie.
No one bothered to chart Carl Lewis?
Fun Fact: The graffiti has a better playoff +/- than Ryan Suter
His girlfriend must be PISSED!