How about taking a good look at that 25-year ban on foreign imports Donald? Maybe cut it to 5 or 10 at least?
How about taking a good look at that 25-year ban on foreign imports Donald? Maybe cut it to 5 or 10 at least?
Let’s not pretend supporting Hillary is a noble act here, buddy
You get in an accident with a truck with any car and tell me how safe that is.
The banks know better who to pay off.
Two door SUVs are just the best. Long live the 90's.
Just about to comment about that. Like how the fuck was he supposed to know? Like fuck if that type of response had happened to me I would’ve probably wouldn’t have continued living my life.
It’s not like any Jalopnik readers would ever fetishize very expensive inanimate objects.
Sick wheelie time!
Welp that’s gonna cost them another *rolls dice*... 3 years.
So are we going with Elioops or Eli-Doh!
Dang! I first thought of a person’s arm or leg.
next time ask him if it covers you when you leave Cars and Coffee.
Yeah but if the driver of the Tesla had been paying attention (he admits he wasn’t even looking in the trucks direction) instead sitting there expecting a fucking machine to do his job he could have had more than enough time to react defensively.
still in a public beta phase
It can’t be out of gas; I put in fifty-nine cents not two days ago.