Hot Damn

This is the first outright negative review I’ve seen for this movie, and it kind of reads as though the reviewer is just holding a grudge against James Franco. So ... I’m still gonna go see it.

I don’t think you get Gamby. Russell you’ve nailed down, but Gamby I think you’re missing the mark. He was ineffective, and completely lacking confidence when we first met him. A pseudo-square, who would bend the rules as shown tonight, in a weird misplaced idea of justice. It wasn’t until Russell’s influence that

This is literally the worst take I’ve ever heard about anything in my entire life. It’s like Jason Whitlock and Umar Johnson had a baby, and named that baby Tomi Lahren. You are that baby.

And he’s moving to New York to escape that? New Freaking “THE CITY” York?

Hi Eric Barry, thanks for stopping by!

He’s a guy that wrote an article on HuffPo that has gotten some traction around the internet, largely because of how dumb it is (I saw it elsewhere and have already made fun of him for crashing his bike so much and blaming it on a city). It’s pop culture because of that.

He was complaining that Chicago is expensive. He’s from San Francisco, for god’s sake. That alone made me realize how full of shit he is.

I think anyone who watched this season of Twin Peaks could be forgiven for assuming that David Lynch never throws out a second of footage. Bearing in mind some of the useless footage he kept in, I can’t blame her for being pissed.

I think I’ll eventually come up with an interprtation of the ending that gives me some degree of emotional closure. Meanwhile, I have a series of separate doubts for which I see no chance of such closure:

That’s in my top 10 favorite scenes for the season. Goddamn hilarious!

At least we got closure on Jerry’s story, otherwise the fans would have rioted.

They better tell us what happened to “armpit rash girl” and “girl that gets thrown out of booth and starts screaming” or there is going to be hell to pay. Hell to pay I tell you.

Seems likely. On the one hand it’s gonna be the director’s prerogative to fit the performance to suit the bigger picture. On the other hand, if you’re Julee Cruise, you’re probably like “You left in like 10 minutes of a dude sweeping the floor a few weeks ago!”

Last week I predicted that “Dougie” was going to spend the remaining three episodes in a coma in a hospital bed so when we initially saw in a coma last night I was proud/depressed to seemingly have predicted it. Thankfully I was wrong. Coop waking up was the greatest moment of the entire season for me.

As I knew nothing about Kinja, I really did think most people were just being overly apprehensive of change, but then when the switch actually happened I went “Damn, this new site is hideous and unusable as fuck!”.

She’s been in a dark place.

I was drooling in front of my bf, unashamed. What a beautiful bod.

I enjoyed that side shot of Jon’s ass. That was surprisingly impressive.

I vote for Chris Evans and RDJ in a reboot of Scarecrow and Mrs. King.

Send Kinja an email asking them to un=grey you. It worked for me. Maybe because they are so busy