Hot Damn

Every single time it looks maybe kind of like Trump might be turning away from the white nationalists, he quickly throws them a bone. In this case, it was practically instantaneously—Seb Gorka’s “resignation” followed by, within hours, the Arpaio pardon. The only entity he’s shown more loyalty to than fucking white

Anyway, some international news: Trump has placed economic sanctions on Venezuela. Given the economy is already collapsed, this has the practical effect of whipping a horse that’s already died of natural causes, but it is sending a message of concrete international condemnation of the Constitutional Assembly.

Calvin Harris’s new album had a lot of fun pop. Which is something I never thought I’d say.

Most of Kesha’s new album is fun, and I’d wager her next one will be even more so


Good for you you’re able to list vintage albums.

You can go your own way, then. I’m ok with prioritizing ‘an experience over a substantive story.’ The series is a mind-blowing art gallery.

I miss her country era.

So who comes out worse in the teen pop world (other than the obvious answer: “all of us”)? Katy Perry for putting out a lackluster album that tries too hard or T Swift for not having enough people around her brave enough to tell her that this isn’t any good.

The site redesign is what I find really frustrating. It hasn’t been terribly long since the last overhaul, why did they need to do this?

I’m sure it’s just because it was the single that directly referenced the Kimye drama.

Katy Perry and Taylor Swift have both rapidly made the worst pop of their disposably fun careers ever since this feud escalated. Their desire to make a slinky club hit while taking really basic potshots is so thirsty and sad and makes them seem older for trying to sound so young.


Good luck covering this Ryan Adams.

Watching the revival makes me think an awful lot about Ebert’s quote from his review of The Usual Suspects (great quote, not his finest reviewing hour) “To the degree that I do understand, I don’t care”. It has some great visuals, a slight improvement on Season 2, and the music is consistently intriguing, but I

If people didnt mess with user experience for no reason other than to mess with it... they’d be out of work. That’s how the tech industry works.

A bit of information that might be relevant. When you see a brief flash of the Jumping Man (character with a white face and pointy nose) you can hear a lot of static, but also a bit of a sped-up voice. Slow it way down, and it says the following (open to interpretation): “I sawyered Michael / as tacks pass away /

“KINJA is cool.... KINJA’s ALWAYS been cool....”

The starting position is much more comfortable.