Hot Burger

Funny thing is, they should have backed common sense gun control a long time ago because the generation growing up with active shooter drills aren’t going to be the most gun friendly voting block. Think of the duck & cover generation and nuclear energy.

You’re entitled to your opinion but the goal of rogue-likes is to survive, the satisfaction is victory and getting better at the game. Since Binding of Isaac they’ve been introducing progression in items, enemies and challenge (I’ve put 462 hours into it since launch, which is a lot for me).

It’s weird seeing all the twitter hate on Kinja, until you become internet famous Twitter is basically who you follow. So you could follow a bunch of political wonks and then follow a bunch of obvious troll accounts all operated by one person and you’d basically replicate your Kinja experience.

Different countries are different? Weird. At least we can bond over root beer (the rest of the world thinks it taste like toothpaste)

Why is there always this assumption that American’s can’t be bothered to do it? It reminds me of an article about the trend of “clean up after yourself” restaurants in the US, when they tried to export the concept to Europe they turned into pig sties.

Agreed. If there’s any project he can go completely nuts on with some experimental synth motifs it’s Dune

Is he aware of who he’s mimicking?

I know it’s reality because I live in it. It’s like these people are blind to the fact that they are losing their employer provided healthcare because it’s being replaced with something better. I work a good job that has pretty decent health insurance, I can still be bankrupted if I get in a car accident and the

It boggles the mind that people think having your health insurance tied to your employer is a good thing.

Make games for yourself, don’t try to appease the masses. The good old games were made before every jerk on the internet could yell at you.

yeah, the Quran is pretty chill compared to the Old Testament.

Tangent, the book Kraken has a faction of mysterious magic users called the Gun-Farmers:

You’ve built your own character customization system or you moved some verts in your 3d app of choice?

I’ve worked on multiple MMOs that don’t let you tweak body proportions, making all these clothing items work together is a lot of work on it’s own making sure everything still looks good when players can stretch and

This story and the Fyre festival documentary reminds me of the industry I work in, video games. 30+ years of growth in an anti labor environment and we’ve never fixed things as far as employee protections goes, unless things change every job in the US is going to be like this; it’s the Uberization of employment.

“Ha! We are two years in and Trump’s economic turn around” point and laugh at the guy who didn’t realize the economy has been improving since 2010, oh man you could have made so much money in the stock market!  (just pointing that out because being a smart investor is how conservatives measure self worth)

I’d wear it on Thanksgiving and I’d laugh in the parade

Maybe I’m using it wrong but it’s just a stream of cool stuff, like the old internet. I mean, if you’re posting on Kinja your horse aint that high.

Does the book address Titan at all? I get the feeling a lot of these characters where re-purposed from the MMO, I know I saw a lot of salty ex-Titan devs on social media saying “Can you believe what they did to so-and-so!?”

Could be that a lot of the heroes were character classes, maybe there’s a male Tracer on a Blizz

Note: just because you keep discovering new music that sounds like the music you liked as a teenager doesn’t mean the study is wrong.