the eyelashes aren't though. I'm really sooooo sick of seeing these women (most of them) with the fake lashes where you can see the glue line and they aren't trimmed properly by the inner eye crease and they just look so bad. ugh. I'm done. Done with it. If someone can look at you from all directions, top, bottom,…
Didn't he already have like f-o-u-r baby' mothers already?
She's a dummy and she did it to herself.
You know what? I'm 30, over weight, already divorced and dont want to get remarried so there. Take that.
are you an idiot? that gif is fake.
Posted this on a Friday night. LOL. All the losers with cats and no friends are going to be forcing their cats to listen to this shit all night. Ha!
You shame them and take things like toys, bikes, tv time away. Be firm and stern and for god sakes set expectations for them and adhere to them.
Way to put a racist caricature of "the menacing black man" front and center.
Bobbi Brown 4Eva
now ur just olds.
Ah... another Upstanding Republican Citizen.
I thought it wasnt funny. Not offensive but just not funny, like the rest of Snl for the past, oh..ever.
Williams' clothes were awful. just horrible.
One word: Sorel Boots.
See. This is what happens when all of you uptight, never had a baby and I'm bitter about it, so keep your damn kid/s out of our fancy restaurant, keep bitching and moaning and throwing daggers at parents out of your eyes when we bring our children to the swanky spot to have a glass and a bite.