fuck off shill.
fuck off shill.
fuck off.
so..... what youre saying is we should let more muslim men into the country? religion of peace etc, etc.
This is what White Middle America wishes it was.
Charges brought then rage stoke.
Lies. Hockey is the national sport of Canada.
that hockey game is joke. where is real game play?
saw dis irl
“I’m looking forward to a tropical lifestyle.”
you know, it’d be funny if it wasn’t so scary. this is not how america is supposed to operate.
what a fucking bitch.
Is PK ever coming back to Montreal???????????????????
this song is trash. ... ...............
This is great. Wish I was there.
The US is a police state.
“What I think should happen and will happen is that the Democrats will start calling me and negotiating”
so, this is like the new hitler youth, except for older man-children.
I dont know her, but I doubt it was suicide.