

@Rare Affinity: I'm right there with you, sister. So much bland narcissism, so much shameless desperation for approval/comments.

@suiterkin: YES! 10 points for you, my fellow unashamed ANTM nerd!

@AnitaDrink: It's not our fault we have to do it this way. Hit ya back!

@CandyBacon: She's talking about the real-life person Johnny Depp played, George Jung (HE'S white.)

@EponaWearsBoots: Oh they are his SONS? I thought Marston and Cooper were his accounting firm.

Good lord, is she fabulous. The same month Lady Gaga got three versions of a V cover, there was THIS alternate.

@greeneyedfem (MzJ+SG deserve stars): YES! My knee-jerk reaction was to immediately assume "born a woman=comfortable with being a woman because I've always been attracted to men=cisgender? (by the way I interpreted the definition), ergo straight." Which is so stupid and makes no sense.

Would someone please explain the difference between "cisgender" and "straight" or "heterosexual?"

@GloriousShoes: Oh, c'mon, there's plenty of good BBQ in Dallas! BUT, to get the slap-yo-momma kind of amazing stuff, you have to drive a little bit: []

@GloriousShoes: Why? There's a Rudy's in Arlington, Denton, and Frisco!

@AcadianDriftwood: She's doing pretty good for herself as an actress - lots of bit roles but in major TV/film productions. She's not in True Grit, but like all up and coming beautiful actresses she gets invited to a ton of premieres and attending them gets them lots of publicity.

@Hey Girl Hey: She's not in this movie but she's been in a bunch of others - small roles, sure, but in big movies (Salt, Eat Pray Love, etc) and TV shows (Gossip Girl, Boardwalk Empire). Can you imagine how many people she's beat for roles? Good for her!

@WildStrawberry: 1. Lots of ANTM contestants change their professional names after the show because it's kind of a curse.

@safeword: You're right, it's misspelled. And a peek at at his twitter indicates you may have the right idea about it being an impostor - REALLY unfunny shit, totally beneath him: "Jamie Foxx, Nick Cannon and Soul Plane are trending? I'm guessing we can call today Black Friday 2." and "So Miley Cyrus was video