
Justin Timberlake at a party: "He certainly didn't look like a man with a girlfriend." How does a guy with a girlfriend look? Does he have a lock on his jockstrap? Does he scowl at anyone with a vagina for fear of appearing in any way friendly?

I love that the Olivia's father takes her to military sites; simultaneously accomplishing so much: enjoying his hobby as a war-history buff, fostering a sense of history and respect for veterans in his daughter, spending time together. Imagine the amount and quality of information that little girl will (and probably

@Lymed: Did anyone see the House episode about this? They had a pretty interesting theory regarding the pulled-from-the-headlines tale of the nursing home cat who seemed to be able to predict the death of the residents, as those he chose to sleep beside invariably wound up dead within days. On House, they discussed a

I am surprisingly devastated that Gaga won't be coming to my town - after all, I live in the multi-cultural, gay-friendly metropolis of Dallas, Texas (did that sound sarcastic? I wasn't being sarcastic.) In fact, she's not coming to Texas at all - not even Austin (!?). I'm surprised at the depth of my disappointment

@Pogue Mahone: There's two ways to interpret that sentence, and they're both funny. #femen

@scarlettmiss: Woody HATED Manhattan, he thought it was terrible. He promised the production company that he'd make another film for free if they wouldn't release it.

@jennebell: According to lore, Winona had lobbied hard for the lead in Shakespeare in Love, but Gwyneth, her BFF at the time, literally stole the script from her home. Gwyn won the Oscar for the part.

@JLady: I am totally with you, and thank you for articulating our inability to articulate. I'm beside myself with sadness and rage, but am stunned into silence. #brotallyawesome

@Eriu: I don't think it's fair or accurate to say she left her daughter there to "save herself." In Vincent Bugliosi's book, her reasons for doing so are touched upon - she says she didn't believe they wouldn't hurt her daughter. Whatever sexual abuse of children may have taken place at Spahn Ranch, Linda was not

@kkatt: You're both right. Her name is Tamara Hope, and she is the Creepy Palm Pre commercial girl & was in the Disney movie mentioned above. #lindakasabianinterview

@FrannyR: It's called a Scientology Cross, and rather than it having anything to do with the worship of Christ, each of its 8 points represents a "value." Using the most recognizable Christian symbol on Earth to advertise utterly non-Christian teachings is a blatant form of false advertising.

@Blueberry26: Word to this. If only for ever-so-sweetly calling Pumkin a whore to her face. #monique

Am I really the only one that "sees" this woman as hanging - like butchered meat - by her wrists, à la an Ed Gein victim? #boobs

While it may be true that we are too quick to judge ALT, and that he might not be as shallow and elitist as his refusal to appear beside Sidibe implies, the mere idea of Precious' own fantasy rejecting her is enough to make me weep. #gaboureysidibe

@archipelagic: I really, really hope what she meant is that the product made your eyes equal more than the sum of its parts, but judging by the number of my comments in this thread I am already thinking about this show way too much. #americasnexttopmodelkimkardash...

@swimmingtrunks: Preach, sister. Poor Nicole, she is the most top modelly of all of them, which means she'll lose, of course. Every season has the "awkward" girl; you could make a drinking game out of every time the word is used to describe her. It will also be the reason she's inevitably eliminated, after Tyra tells