
If you thought wealthy men got a lot of shit for kneeling, wait until y’all see what happens to an underpaid woman.

It’s a little-known fact that every cheerleader everywhere has the same name: Buzz Off. Believe me, I’ve asked dozens, and I’m as amazed as you.

Yeah, I thought it was weird when I heard the story on local news this morning but just more evidence that the cheerleaders are regarded as little more than dancing slabs of meat.

That mock Belloq look is not doing her any favors. I mean that beyond the colonialism angle and whole Indian Jones villain aspect.  It’s a look that is probably best left in the 1930 and 1940s.

I do not get Dakota Johnson. She is so basic. Like, she’s the person you’d get for a role if you thought Sandra Bullock’s stunt double was too glamorous.

A pop up soup kitchen? How generous of them.

That’s ridiculous. Pennyroyal Tea, Heart Shaped Box, and the best Nirvana song of them all, All Apologies.

He’s probably picking off deer, dogs, whatever happens to wander by when he’s feeling peckish.

This was a wonderful unexpected surprise for me, too! For all the toxic and terrible stuff you might see between anonymous posters online, this is the kind of thing that absolutely restores my faith in humanity!

In another comment I mentioned the friend I confide in; his husband rapid cycles as well, refuses to accept his diagnosis, and is close (I fear) to end-stage alcoholism. Because he won’t prioritize treating his mental illness, no addiction treatment stands a chance. My friend’s life is one of glimmers of hope amid

The revenge body thing actually happened to me, and it’s not a story for romcoms.

If you’re both grown ups, it shouldn’t be a competition. People have pasts, and those paths include other people. One can care about an ex without being hung up on them.

I just have no feeling whatsoever about her. I draw a complete blank. It’s almost as if she’s not even there at all.

This reminds me, when I was at a Joann Fabrics last week getting faux fur for my Halloween costume I saw a pattern one could buy to sew a rip-off of Melania’s blue inaugural day dress. Reader, I hid each and every one behind another pattern. I do the same thing when I see tabloids with a Trump on them. It’s a petty

Ugh. Thank you for sharing this. As the partner of a (white male) addict in recovery, I see her body language as “You owe me (ANOTHER) one. And I hate you because we both know I won’t leave you because I know the (white male) justice system wouldn’t let me protect these children from you.” And he knows he got away

It’s not possible

Armour plated smokey eye as

You know, I want to believe her - I really do, but she’s going to have to show the evidence.

Until I start hearing about mass deaths related to dirty sponges, I’m just gonna keep assuming the hot water and soap are enough to take care of things until it’s compacted and kinda stained.