
You can use toilet paper, or kick the seat up from the bottom, not touching the top, with your shoe. You may not, I repeat NOT, pee on a seat that many people are not able to hover over and leave them to clean up your piss before sitting down.

As a woman who hovers, I cannot stand the women who do not lift the toilet seat when they hover. There was even one city I visited that had “If you Hover lift the Cover” in most of their public restrooms. No dice! Piss everywhere. Very rude to the people who need to sit down to use the toilet, or need to take a shit

Unpopular opinion: I loved having school uniforms. My family couldn’t afford to buy us a wardrobe full of new clothes each year, and school uniforms made that economic gap less obvious. Plus, it made getting ready each morning a lot easier—no fussing about what to wear each day. You grabbed your uniform from the

63% of white men voted for Trump. In this run-up to midterms, I do get a little fatigued by all the media’s “Will women come out/vote in force against Trump/the GOP?”, as if it is up to women (once again) to always be right do right, cuz we know men sure as fuck will not. Particularly women of color: “We ignore you

I just, i just need to know they bathe. That lip rug he’s trying to develop just can not smell good. 

To be fair, this was the best of the David Spade movies. 

I just want someone to name ONE person who got famous and/or rich from lying about sexual assault. Check that - lying about *being the victim of* sexual assault.

I’m with you on that. How many? How many will it take until there is no need for a sexual assault beat? A domestic violence column? The entire female experience revolves around blood. We bleed so we can get pregnant, we bleed when we give birth, some of us end up bleeding for our husbands and partners. The leading

You could make her insane by pointing out how much she has in common with Hillary Clinton at this moment.

Talk about burying the lede; how about rapey Piven’s hairline? Epic.

If a restaurant has all great reviews and you have a terrible experience on your first visit, one of two things is happening: (1) the good reviews are very old or faked, or (b) you are the problem.

Personally I don’t judge a place based on one visit, weather I loved or hated it. It takes a coupla three visits spread

I thought Yelp was for calling out chain restaurants and small diners for not being “authentic”. I really hate people who go on and on about “authenticity”. Sometimes I want Americanized-Chinese food, not Chinese-Chinese food, and I don’t care if a Mexican cooks it. Gimme that sesame chicken. Put it in a taco while

Ah see she wasn’t popular at my school (HS 2000-2004). It was Tiffany’s bracelets / necklaces and Abercrombie, Tommy Hilfiger, Express and Buckle.

You go to Yelp when the place should be set on fire later, but you’re just not the arsonist type.

Any of these men who think that safe abortions are immoral and/or should be illegal, any of these men who believe that a woman should be forced to hear the heartbeat of a fetus in case she’s considering abortion, any of these men who believe that an aborted fetus has to have a burial or cremation, should be shown what

I don’t know if calling her time with sex workers a “dark time” that she doesn’t do anymore - I don’t know if that description disparages sex work necessarily. Saying you were having a dark time and seeing a therapist doesn’t disparage therapy work. Sexual healing is still healing. If people want to see a sex worker

There was definitely at least a short while where I saw people being like “oh yeah, visine gives people diarrhea, if you hate them you can put a couple drops in their drink.” I am unsurprised we now have a rash of articles about people doing just that (or worse).

Like as opposed to the 1990s, you mean?

Social media really has gotten more people into “constructing” these images of themselves and their lives. I know people, regular people not models or actors, who get their social media pics photoshopped to look thinner and tanner. I remember talking to a friend who complained that she felt like a fraud because she

I know a comment like this pops up on every Insta/social media story but, damn, I am happy that I grew up before smartphones and social media.