
I’d like to proffer two more theories: 3) that as a whole we’re sick of comic-book films and are just that desperate for alternative programming; and 4) that women’s films continue to be woefully underserved, and this is our only option for something that doesn’t fall into the category in reason #3.

He fed her vagina ice cream. Really? That’s just so wrong.

I’m enjoying reading this like it’s a circa 2005 LiveJournal blog post about a group of girlfriends going out to hate-watch The Worst Movie Night, Wine Required. So I’m torn between “why would you all do this to yourselves, I hope you got paid a bonus for risking your mental sanity” and “Can I come too, you guys seem

It makes total sense that a shit-for-brains like Trump would have an “old timey prospector long johns”-style buttflap in the back of his head.

Decadent really means that even though this fake brownie the size of a postage stamp is fat free, low calorie, low salt gluten and dairy free, you should still feel guilty about eating it.

Gamers use chopsticks to eat snacks while playing. Women do the same if they actually care.

Thank you! What’s up with the rash of Instagram photos of “mommy’s glass of wine?” It stopped being cute/funny... no wait, it was never cute or funny. My cousin posts these on a regular basis.... She also has a severely developmentally delayed child.... .... Well that just came full circle.

I ate Doritos yesterday in public and I was not embarrassed by the crunch, and I even licked my fingers. Am I a man now?

I’m a mom who doesn’t drink (anymore) and you would think I have 3 heads when another mom offers me a drink and I turn her down. “Wait...what? Why? Did something happen? Did you stop because you thought you had, like, a problem?” The questioning then becomes this: “Well, you have your soda water while the rest of us

This is the opportunity I have been waiting for. I think I will quit my job as a scientist to go pick lettuce this spring. Openings will finally be available!

Forgive me if I can’t find the line of white guys in maga hats waiting to pick fruit.

If the meat is at temperature, and being trimmed before sale, I’m not particularly disturbed. Of course, I raise and butcher my own chickens, and hunt for venison and turkey, so I have to butcher my own food, which is a good way to make you less squeamish...

As a physician, fuck these people.

Today’s Code 45* isn’t exactly breaking news. It’s really just a confirmation that El Pez Globo Naranja isn’t at the World Economic Forum because he cares about - or even has any fucking clue about - the “world.” Nor is he there because he has even a vague interest in, let alone any intellectual understanding of,

The fact that right off the west coast of North America, the tectonic plates are just smashed together and basically ready to pop should make everyone there scared. It’s not California that should be worried, it’s the entire western coast, and it will wipe out millions when it happens due to the massive tsunami it

It’s not a bad little reggae groove, but this is hardly Barry White/Isaac Hayes-level panty peeler. It’s not even Johnny Mathis/Lou Rawls-strength leg-spreader.

I wish people could handle the stress of flying the old way - with Quaaludes.

If I cant bring my box of assorted comfort snakes onto a plane then what is Sam Jackson going to rail against?!