For at least four generations, (from pre 1900s) my family has kept salted butter on the kitchen counter, in an air-tight butter dish, at room temp. I know from my own experience, that it will last without any spoilage for at least 30 days. But if it is around that long, you’re not using enough butter.
Don’t laugh, our house has a wine cooler built into the kitchen. I have like two bottles of wine in there, so it sits mostly empty. UNTIL!!!! bum bum BUUUUUUUUUUM. I learned the very secret of life. Put butter in there and it keeps it cool, but comes out soft enough to spread. You know what else goes in there? Fucking…
Yes. I live in Montana and most of the people I work with had kids young. Some while still in high school or barely out of high school. I’m one of the few in my 20s without kids.
Let’s all just calm down and stick with Chicken Kiev the way mother used to make:
Should’ve made beignets instead.
Royals everywhere. Royals on the sofas, royals under the tree, royals in the walls.
He’s a golem made of mayonnaise.
Pleased to say I have not only never heard any of these songs, I’ve not even heard of all these artists. And I doubt i could distinguish a Miley from a Katy from Taylor; they’re all so many Beckys to me.
As somebody who tuned out of 80% of music in the 00s because I thought it was horrible after coming of age on the 1990s, I’ve been quite pleased with most of the 10s because there as been some good music and artists coming out of them. I realize they will never reach the amount of worship I have for the 90s because…
I am a rape victim. A victim of a violent stranger rape to be specific. In some ways, being a victim of sexual assault does infantilize you. You feel like a helpless woman-child for years after. You stop growing because you stop exploring the world. You stay home and watch TV and music videos. For 15 years now I am…
I sometimes wonder if they’ll have to bury him at sea, not because people would want to make a shrine of his grave, but because they may actually want to dig up his rotten corpse to shit directly on his face rather than just piss on his grave.
Long ago, I reconciled myself to the fact that fitness wasn’t fun. If done correctly, it’s always strenuous. If exercise isn’t accompanied by dietary discipline, which also blows, one should just say, “Fuck it”, and throw out the thin clothes.
Just a quick FYI asking someone if they prostitute themselves and trade in sexual favors for the exact thing (interview/information) that is on the table isn’t friendly.
“Everybody gets one exception to the ‘no abusing kids’ rule, but only if you’re rich, white, and entitled and the kids are none of those things.”
I wish there was a special place in real fucking life for child molesters, but I guess we’ll have to settle for vague promises of the afterlife.
That’s the problem with fucking idiots, it winds up generating more idiots.
Look. As long as they’re beating inanimate objects instead of blacks, Muslims, women, gays, etc., it’s a step in the right direction. So thanks, Sean. You’re a mensch.
Me not would be surprised if bunch of these morons end up buying replacement coffee maker in few months and Keurig end up making more money in long run.
I'm pretty picky, but nothing like the people in this article. I try not to let it bother anyone with it, though. No crazy substitutions while I'm eating out and I don't broadcast my dislikes in an obnoxious way. What drives me nuts is when people behave as though the fact that I don't like salmon or whatever has some…