
You don’t get feminist points for being the only woman in the room when the room is fascism.”

I was going to say, don’t forget to cut that neckline! 

Reminds me of working in the nursing homes and we would cut holes in the top of Keds to accommodate the old lady hammer toes....

Wilton Dinges is a great name. Also, these chairs are much better designed.

The worst! For all the reasons you stated, Kelly. Burning hot, freezing cold, digging into your hips or bum, make that awful scraping sound on your hipstro’s (hipster+bistro=hipstro) concrete floor... Really, no other function except being easy for the restaurant to hose off.

Was hoping someone referenced The Fall! Such a gorgeous movie and his acting was superb.

“we see a flashback to Cliff on a boat, pointing a speargun at a ranting woman. He killed her, yes... but she was really fucking annoying!”

“Before the current president, I used to have trouble convincing my white friends that this is not a post-racist age,” he said. “What people see in the current administration is a heightened sense of racism and sexism and xenophobia such as we’d not seen for a long time.”

Read, “The Curtain-A Novel” by Patrick Ord for ideas.

The other option is to opt in... to everything. Sign up for everything, click all the ads, like all the things, etc. 

Been doing this for years as well! Even thought about filling an older waterbed up with sand to customize my own sand mattress, but then the logistics of clean-up, etc made that idea just plain silly.

Sounds very similar! Although, more likely, my school would have asked a father that had been to prison come speak. We did have the local sheriff present a slideshow with photos of horribly graphic, drunk-driving accidents in the hopes that it would curtail underage drinking. HA!

My piss-poor, rural school structured the curriculum around the lowest common denominator. I recall being told by one of the teachers that because I hung out with the “wrong crowd” I would end up pregnant or worse before I graduated. I argued that if they had actually offered courses that would challenge brighter

*This may be an unpopular thought and nothing that I actually believe but...A human fetus does not develop its external sexual organs until seven weeks after fertilization. The fetus appears to be sexually indifferent, looking neither like a male or a female. Over the next five weeks, the fetus begins producing

I grew up 74 miles from the nearest mall so it was only a trip we made once a year for school shopping and the only name-brand items that were ever purchased were Levi’s 501s. Most of my other clothing items were purchased at the local thrift store, appropriately named the “Commodity Center.”

Exactly this! You got to see Jon and Davos and Tyrion being conflicted, and Greyworm being vengeful.

Three’s Company was on mum’s list. Many cartoons were as well, the Smurfs, Jabberjaw, etc.

I thought my mum was the only person that wouldn’t let her children watch certain TV shows because it’d turn them stupid! 

Further proof that people here are arseholes! Her yard art sure beats the rusting boats and broken down vehicles in my neighbors yard, but I only live in a ‘hood with $1,000,000 homes...