
The laughter and tears... I have way too many stories to tell from my CNA years. The most heartbreaking was sitting down with one of my favourite elderly woman who told me she was “tired” and my saying, “Honestly G, it’s okay to die.” She then asked me to lay next to her in bed and hold her hand as she passed.

I knew the owner of a local video store so I would always request the displays/posters when the movie was no longer “just released.” I had Se7en, Deperado, Strange Days, et al (read: featuring men I found handsome!) I also had a shelf with the music box collection that my grandmother started for me. There’s an old VHS

I took a chance and ordered it. I will let you know how it smells. I’m hoping it’s not too overwhelming.

I, too, have ornithophobia and can’t un-see this nightmare.

The small midwestern town where I grew up had hitchin’ posts outside the bars. One of the local residents galloped into town on horseback for a few cold ones and was arrested for “DUI” riding home. His argument; “the horse knows the way! *hiccup*”

Unfortunately I only see that mug on Pinterest with a link to Tumblr... *gah* But there are similar on Etsy!

Bathrooms too! If I wasn’t going to be a renter forever I would customize ALL the sinks and countertops

Please tell me you have a set of these mugs?!

It IS a hard knock life! (Different artist, I know...)

As a child I put on one of my mother’s bikini bottoms and pulled the hip portion up over my shoulders to create a one-piece that looked similar to this wedgy-inducing tank thong... (think: Borat’s swimsuit but with more cloth.)

Wring it out like a dirty dish towel I always say... (actually I never say that, but that’s what I think when people blot.) My solution: sprinkle enough parmesan and chili flakes and herbs on there to soak up the grease.

Team quickie for the win!

Feel free to leave the names/photos of the women (and some men) who die from reproductive related issues and whose lives would have benefitted from fetal tissue research, and the unplanned babies that could have been prevented at the doorsteps of the 239 Republicans and two democrats who voted in favour.

Isn’t there a reflection in Oscar’s bulge? Where’s the CSI photo analyzers when you need them?

*high five*

Not nearly enough black velvet chokers...

Not a problem for this *points to self* passenger! (Note: I’ve actually flown on planes that have no food/beverage service nor more than one flight attendant. My guess is that ExpressJet is similar to these smaller, no-frills, puddle-jumpers.)

Can we get a Princess Aura make-up collection?

I wore a scarf today because a beaded blouse is missing one bead near the neckline (totally visible to me) and I’m too lazy to sew it back on...