
Would this be like a macaroni board project? Where would you mount that?

I meant whether women exhibited any of these same behaviors when courting other women, but that is pretty interesting too. I consider myself a pretty confident guy, but not confident enough to use a dating app meant for gay women in earnest.

As a man I have no interest in Dattch of course, but I'm curious if they run into any problems along these lines.

It in unbelievable how many people don't see the clear pattern of predation that Richardson has not only established, but publicized. Not only do all of these women tell very, very similar stories(the sort of thing that signifies a predator), but they describe a pattern that Richardson cops to in his own words in

Not if you understand criminal behavior. For example, the Darren Sharper case. Lots of unrelated women were telling the exact same story. Predators, especially sexual predators, develop patterns that they repeat over and over and over again.

All kidding aside, this:

"It's weird – by positioning themselves as the creators of good causes that other people have been touting for ages, Dove makes it hard to want to cheer for them or the cause."

Kate I took a shot at your teaser, let me know what you think.

"Taking their #Real[InsertOtherWordsHere] campaign one step further, Dove wants to do the unthinkable and make money this Father's Day as well. Fuck it, why not. "

I know this is tongue-in-cheek, but these sorts of editorials can be counter-productive in that they mostly encourage an overreaction to the overreaction that you're parodying.

I think that is especially true in this case as this certainly is information that can be used to help keep women safer but as with other

Defer? Is that you Skip?

People take roofies recreationally? Or were you dosed?

I think that, realistically, both components should be part of an ideal, most-effective preventative method. No doubt, the emphasis should be on teaching men and women what defines consent, who can and cannot consent, and those issues but there is value to understanding what predators look for when they scout for

I don't disagree that it an unethical practice but I will point out that you ARE allowed to discriminate based on appearance in many industries. It'd be illegal to hire flight attendants based on their body size, but not an actor or actress playing a flight attendant.

That was one of the best life hacks I've ever read.

"Can you imagine reading that from a male columnist in a small city newspaper pre-Steubenville? I'm from a small town, and I sure as hell can't."

It isn't, actually, and it happens all the time. Not in mass, but individual murders are motivated by all sorts of things and most murderers, while disaffected and often antisocial, are very sane. Just like Elliott Roger was very sane. Saying he was crazy denies him of agency and basically whitewashes his manifesto as

If you thought he didn't have a rational brain cell in his body then you're looking to see that. Clearly he functioned in society and he wrote a manifesto that very clearly expressed his thoughts and ideas. Maybe he had a personality disorder but he wasn't incomprehensibly crazy unless you're forced a square peg into

There is no question he was a white supremacist. Read what he wrote about asians, blacks, or anyone that wasn't white...

It could very reasonably be a matter of principle rather than an act done to spite an ex. This doesn't indicate that he intended to distribute the pictures, distributed the pictures, or threatened her with the pictures, it just says that she didn't want him to have them anymore. I am not a guy that keeps nude pics but

But it's true that these actresses are getting much less work because they are old, something that doesn't happen to older men in the industry with anywhere near the same frequency. These women may have other ambitions, to be sure, but it seems unlikely that ALL of these women would be starting these companies if

Of course they can't be used to understand individuals. While the average female does have a superior sense of smell than the average male(as the article stated this difference was noticeable at every age), this doesn't tell you anything about individual women and men. I actually dated a woman that had anosmia and