
Does it suck? Of course it does, and I don’t blame anyone for being bummed, but it’s important to keep perspective right now.

Shipping carriers are being buried under the weight of the needs of crucial businesses that we all rely on to live. Hospitals are awaiting huge shipments of critical safety equipment to keep

I’m certainly not agreeing with you, though it does seem I didn’t understand as fully as I thought. Because if I had realized that excluding the dark side was part of their, and apparently your, demands, I would have been much more scathing.

What confuses me when see comments like this is that everyone seems to forget what luke was actually like. He gave into his emotions repeatedly in the original trilogy. He only got calm and zen with the emporer after getting goaded into a rage and hacking his dad’s arm off. What made him good was that he stopped

Oh, he did not. Obi-Wan did exactly squat for 20 years. And then, at the first opportunity to make things right, he lied his ass off, in order to get a child to kill his own father. Some fucking hero.

To add on to this, as much as Mr Incredible might wish otherwise, the world never stays saved. Sooner or later things are always going to go wrong and there will be a new evil that needs to be fought. Sometimes a small evil, sometimes a big huge evil, but always something/

This was more like the United States having won the revolution against Britain, then having America reinvaded 30 years later, Washington DC blown up, and Thomas Jefferson getting murdered by his treasonous son. I wouldn’t chalk that up as a success.

But to completely negate the entire point of everything that has come before in order to do so is simply bad storytelling.

Well said. If this degree of internetting existed in 1980, I wonder if commenters would have echoed the same message.

I still don’t understand that nihilist viewpoint regarding the OT trio’s fates post RotJ. Nothing they did was a failure simply because a new set of films carried their stories further. They achieved their successes and suffered their failures in their lives as every single person does. If anything it grounds their

I think, though, that if you did a story where the threat wasn’t a resurgent Empire/First Order, you’d kind of be ignoring the elephant in the room. These movies are emotionally relevant because it does feel like the previous generation failed. All the old symbols of fascism and tyranny have risen up once more, and

Completely OK not to like the movie. Completely OK to think it was a bad movie. Everything is subjective.

yep I have no imagination. Just a bum who enjoys these movies without having to nitpick everything to death.