
Then how can you not also consider that failure to keep a schedule or budget is also not indicative of poor direction? Aren’t they the same thing? Crunch is to overcome a failure in schedule so that the schedule is maintained. Movies can’t crunch so they end up over schedule. Same failure.

Another good strategy is stay in the covered bridge, this allows you to bottleneck the enemy and limit them to the doorway one one end and the hole they jump down above the door you came in on the other. Combine the bullets with killing those that attack David with a one hit kill knifing

One of the best strategies when you are with David in the mill is to let the infected attack him and then stab. Don’t bother with wasting ammo. Also, wait under the window right before they jump down as they take a few seconds to get a footing and you can use that time to stab them.

What do you mean “let go”. Some people can’t as they have no access to anything else. Not every country has fast home internet, not every section of even a 1st world country does. Not everyone can afford high speeds. If the only internet you have is a 3G cell limited to 1GB a month you have to conserve.

The problem is 1st world countries. So you would let others be left behind?

Problem is then you loose hype, rich people will pay to get a copy to “fall out of a box” before it is authorized to leave the factory, and increases piracy as there is a larger chance to have someone leak the game.

The problem is to even have retail by mail you still need a stock of physical discs printed (meaning people at the printing factory have to be working). Those discs have to be in the warehouses for distribution (meaning logistics like planes and ships have to function properly without delays to get those physical

Seriously, how will they verify that he is not violating the underage drinking part without daily tests.