
I might be upset by this as well…if I actually thought they were going to kill him off.

It's called "nuke the fridge."

Michonne solved that problem without the need to butcher a new zombie every time she left the "house." Plus, she doesn't have to worry about her camouflage washing off if it rains (a critical problem that became immediately apparent). But most importantly, you don't need a 2 hour bath afterwards.

In what way is Great Brittan's culture similar to ours?

YOU were talking about accidents when you said that a toddler is more likely to accidentally shoot someone than they were to accidentally poison, stab, strangle or beat someone to death. In fact, you're still talking about accidents. I was talking about intentional violence which, by the way, INCLUDES mass

That's pretty far off topic. Now you're talking about accidents. But, since you went there, I'll indulge you.

No, but you can stab them. Or strangle them. Or beat them to death. Or poison them.

You're taking a narrow subset of statistics, analyzing it with no context and drawing a conclusion. More often than not, this leads to a logical fallacy.

I'm sure that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it's a radically different culture.

Three words: Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Technically, Tim Curry could only be the "old" Tim Curry. Except if he had himself cloned…which isn't really a bad idea if you ask me.

Since we're drawing parallels, how about the crushing debt caused by massive military spending which leads to veterans not getting the post-service benefits they were promised? That sounds a lot more like a Republican plan to me.

I went on a search for my back yard. In a shocking twist, I found it.

It might have been watchable if it wasn't some rubbish rap song.

My nephew said it best when he was 3 years old:

That wasn't food. It was garnish.

I wouldn't pay $1.42 for a picture with Ron Weasley.

I cross the street and only look both ways once. I'm so hardcore.

Hyperbole is the hallmark of someone who knows their position isn't very defensible.

Are you being intentionally obtuse, or are you REALLY taking the position that no drunk person has ever been responsible for the death of someone other than themselves?