
Some people just can't get their minds around the whole concept of time travel and the butterfly effect.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Thank you for shoehorning real world politics into a discussion about fictional characters. What would the internet be without people like you?

That's what I love about Mal. The occasional shooting of an unarmed guy who sorely deserves it isn't beneath him.

That's why I quickly pull the door closed and hold them shut after I get inside. It eliminates any pretense of politeness that might be misconstrued.

For the record: those are two completely different things.

I was originally going to argue with the "patron saint of Gamergate" comment, but it's true in a sense. He co-opted Gamergate for his own purposes, much like the Catholic Church did with the Bible back when they thought torturing people and fighting wars against Muslims was a good idea.

I will not be silenced! You can kill the messenger, but you cannot kill the message!

Sorry, but Disney doesn't get to say what is canon and what is not. They're not the boss of me.

If Fox sold it back to Marvel, we might actually get a decent Fantastic 4 movie.

It would be fine if the big head bounced around on a spring.

The problem with Sophia Coppola doing the Twilight Saga is that it would still be the Twilight Saga.

That's the way it is. Welcome to the internet.

I'm a Viking from outer space. Since I said it on the internet, it must be true.

I didn't see much in the way of "fighting," although I saw plenty of "running away like a little bitch."

1) I don't care what you're getting tired of. Claiming that you just happen to be an expert on the subject at hand, with no way to provide evidence of that claim, makes the claim dubious at the very best. In fact, making unsubstantiable claims happens so often on the internet that there's actually a term for it:

I don't think you do understand the distinction. As far as you're concerned, he's already guilty, even though he says it wasn't him. But why would a lawyer care about trivial things like evidence and due process?

You're not a lawyer. If you were, you'd understand the difference between "groped" and "allegedly groped," and why that distinction is so important.

Do you know what the PRACTICAL difference between a lawsuit and a countersuit is? There isn't one. They are both lawsuits that have an identical purpose and an identical process for resolution. In fact, the ONLY reason there is a distinction at all is because, since the two cases are related, there is an overlap of

She's filing a frivolous lawsuit designed to create a financial hardship in order to discourage someone from seeking restitution against her…but it's totally okay because she's donating the proceeds from the frivolous lawsuit to charity!