Horshack Test

“It is your job to root out where a miscommunication might be.”

College-level design classes often include assignments that require making things out of household items / found objects. The importance isn’t necessarily the resulting item, but to teach creativity and resourcefulness in the thought process. Some Fine Art majors even focus on found-object art as their thesis.

That’s an awful lot of words (and effort) just to say “Sorry, I misunderstood.”

Well clearly the problem here (along with your confusion over the word “bring”) is your making assumptions. If I meant to say that I bring a bottle of water, I would have said “I just bring a bottle of water.”

You are speaking in absolutes (emphasis mine):

Again, I said “I just bring a water bottle.” How is that bringing an outside beverage into the theater? 

“Ok, she doesn’t ignore the law in every case”

So “bring” is the word you’re having such a problem with? As I said, It’s the water bottle I keep in my car - so yes, I bring it into the theater from outside the theater. That means that when I get out of the car, I grab my water bottle and carry it with me into the theater.

I’m not sure you do. What I said was (emphasis added), “I just bring a water bottle.” What do you think I mean by that?

Well I don’t keep track of every case and ruling on her show, and I’m not arguing that she never shows scorn for (or passes personal judgment on) anyone - I’m simply saying that her rulings are not all made with complete disregard for the law / legal principles / legal precedent, as you seem to think they are.

It’s the water bottle I keep in my car - so yes, I bring it into the theater from outside the theater. Do you not know what a water bottle is?

She actually does cite quite a lot of legal principles with regard to her decision-making; for example, she frequently dismisses claims / counter-claims outright based on the person having no standing or no documentation, etc. She may word things quite a bit differently than a ‘real’ judge would in a real courtroom

“Because you’ve taken the moral high ground in saying that bringing in outside food sources to a movie is ethically wrong”

“You’re right, you didn’t explicitly state that you are bringing in water from an outside source.”

I never said I bring an outside beverage into the theater.

Keep starring your own comments, Mr. Maturity.

Preschool - like where they teach kids to follow rules?

I said no such thing.

They also go on to rationalize further, after claiming “No rationalization at all..”