.Vietnamese Booby Traps.

Exactly. My boyfriend and I are Black, he has depended on Obamacare for his asthma and diabetes medications for the last year and a half after being laid off, and we are atheist/occultist. I don’t know what’s coming for us.

You mean “we got all our bad ideology from our rich mom and dad, and now we’re at college!” group. haha.

They didn’t invite her. The Berkley Republican group did (and hoo, boy, that’s got to be a small group of pissed off teens).

This probably close to the most attention she’s gotten in years and I bet she’s having a blast.

It may not be the Death Star just yet, but we took down a Super Star Destroyer.

I fear it’s already too late. More people are admitting they believe the world is flat. Almost 40% of Americans don’t accept evolution, and some who do still think it was guided by a supreme intelligent being. Our children are being taught creationism in some public schools. They are being taught incorrect information

Those lyrics are gross and depressing.

Amar’e, bathing in wine is the gayest thing I’ve ever heard of and I just sucked a dick this morning.

Fattest president since Taft? Fattest president since Taft.

Maybe it’s just my mood since the election but I’m finding his ‘fight ‘em with funny’ schtick a lot less amusing.

He looks like that doodle of Conan but in real life.

I wouldn’t fuck with Oak at his funeral.

There is no fucking way Warren is not running in 2020... they are setting her up and she is rising to the occasion.

The longer I stay on facebook in these dark times, the smaller my circle gets. I’m absolutely livid I wasted any time or energy over the years on some of these people—and these aren’t even trumpers. And before anyone comments with the old “you’re going to let political opinions ruin friendships?”—when people I have

This is just one prong of the protest effort. Folks who can’t take part in the strike will have many, many other opportunities.

Not really. But I do try to avoid being an asshole unnecessarily. I also try not to draw conclusions based on a single interaction with a service employee. Then again, that would be how decent people function in society.

Shit. Hipsterception.

I’d bet dollars to dimes that you are an absolute nightmare at parties.

My heart is broken by this. And I’m furious.