I’m sure surfing is the most physically strenuous of the three. Most definitely. So in that regards, surfing is more of a sport.
I’m sure surfing is the most physically strenuous of the three. Most definitely. So in that regards, surfing is more of a sport.
Well, if you take a few lessons, and practice, and find yourself a Québécois girlfriend/boyfriend/genderneutralfriend, you’ll get better soon enough. The important thing is making an effort to learn. That’s all we (francophone quebeckers) want (well the sane ones at least).
I’ll just leave this here, because it always makes me laugh, and, I should add, because the disrespect shown to soccer referees has always made me go bonkers.
There are two at Changi airport, Singapore. I had an eighteen hour layover once, and it was a blast. Also a pool! And two gyms! And a botanical garden! Changi is a great place to waste a layover.
These Tenors, who do they think they are? There are other vocal ranges, you know? Like, how about making sure they get their time in the limelight as well! #allvocalrangesmatter
Tabarnak de calisse de viarge, indeed.
I’m a complete mess of an irrational Habs fan right now. I’m sure that, given a few weeks, I’ll be able to think clearly about this, but, right now, my favorite freaking player is gone, in exchange for a guy who was a sharecropper during the dustbowl.
Goddamn Therrien. We get to keep a garbage bag full of wet leaves and used chewing tobacco of a coach and lose out on the most electrifying hockey player, an incredible defensemen, and the heart and soul of the Habs. For a thirty year old guy who fits into a culture of boredom. Screw this.
It’s just freaking terrible. How can the Habs possibly trade PK motherfuckin’ Subban? Ugh. Echoes of the 1995 Roy trade.
And what about the PK - Weber trade? Holy hell how fucking terrible that one is for Montreal. Just ripped the team’s identity out completely. I’m totally heartbroken as a Habs fan.
I think you’ll find he’s called Sammy le Sucré, here.
I’m from Quebec; this whole thing is madness. The mayor of Quebec City is a guy called Labeaume who believes asphalt and glass will be his legacy. He’s a crazy old racist who, after the stadium, decided to build this totally-not-a-penis skyscraper in a city that has no skyscrapers at all and has the population of…
I caught Zika while I was in Columbia in November of last year. This was before everybody was talking about it (I’m the original Zika hipster, by the way), so I had no idea what I had.
What’s most surprising is how human Gary Bettman seems in these e-mails. How he seems actually stuck between constituencies and not only being a callous asshole who doesn’t give a shit (though he’s partly a callous asshole who doesn’t give a shit, as we all hockey fans are when we purchase tickets or watch games…
Par for the course after a big hit. Just to drive home the lesson. A gentleman’s game.