
And to think, it all started with a disagreement over what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs.

‘’It is disingenuous to dismiss identity-based criticism as a claim...’’

Myles, the article was going great. I was with you until “boring white dude”. Why does every single piece nowadays have to be about gender and race? If you find the character boring, you can say boring, no need to bring up race. If race is an issue (which it isn’t cause you know, Dany’s white too) why do you have to

Ehh, this doesn’t seem that shocking or appalling. It costs money to have lawyers file briefs and make arguments. The Globe rightly recognizes that if any one intervenor is successful then all the media groups get access to it, so they can freeload on the litigation and reap the benefits with none of the costs. And

I’m all for shitting on the Patriots and old man Kraft, but I’m not sure I disagree with the Globe pulling out. I mean, the guy is a huge asshole (remember when we all though he and Myra were sweet?), but requesting the video get made public feels like tabloid fodder. It’ll sell, no question, but can we really equate

yeah, no, you’re wrong. If you think the parent of that kid doesn’t know what a terror the child is being, then your head is crammed so far up your ass you can floss with your chest hair. 

“Could you not drive in that scenario?”

Presumably Baylor’s Trumpalo administration made them go. 

Yes, the golfers are the selfish assholes. Definitely not the guy who joined an already stacked team to win two freebie championships, and then got all pissy when everyone called him out for it. Not that guy! No sir!

Nothing, but there’s a type of person who hold liking it as a defining character trait and that’s less than ideal.

She’s right. It’s disgusting. Regardless of whether or not you “soil” your undergarments (seriously?) or they smell bad, you still have bacteria and fecal matter in your underwear.  

Oberyn Martell [crowd boos], Oh yes, they said “Oh, the Mountain was so meat to him” [points to media]. Well, I know something about the Martell’s, let me tell you. I know where he came from. Those people are not so nice down there, let me tell you.

What would happen if it came out that Trump was a huge Game of Thrones fan?

wait, I’m genuinely asking because I don’t know and I’m entering “old” status and am not “with it,” but I thought the frog and tea emoji was supposed to signify that kermit sipping tea meme? Does that have some other alt-right meaning? I wouldn’t be surprised with this guy, but I would genuinely feel sad for kermit to

Dunston Checks In

Good Lord, it’s like the Pelicans don’t want the Lakers to win a championship.

This is the correct take, yet Deadspin for some reason feels compelled to run with this narrative that it is all the Pelicans’ fault. It’s myopic and has been thoroughly debunked. If people want to criticize the Pelicans for not building a good enough roster around Davis, reasonable minds can disagree about that. But

I think the staff is trolling us at this point. I hope the staff is trolling us at this point. 

“But if Gentry is looking for anyone to blame for creating a toxic environment in the organization, he should look at the executives above him, who first refused to honor Davis’s trade request.

All of this information is obvious, and I don’t know why this article clearly ignores all of it just to stand by Deadspin’s pro-labor (as long as that labor is millionaire athletes) agenda.