How big is your house and/or how old is your boiler
How big is your house and/or how old is your boiler
OK so fuck the Astros and fuck Taubman but I have an issue with the whole media “framing their story on the topic around the Astros’ denial, rather than around what Taubman did” characterization.
I do love that this happened to Chapman who is absolutely underrated as a shitbag abuser*
Just give yourself the inch. Everyone will understand.
I get what you’re saying but there’s not a single Ivy League team that’s worth a damn in the big stage of college sports. This is way way more about the Roll Tide crowd - they’re afraid they may need to give up their little modern-day plantations out on the gridiron
He was very good (in a kind of Puffy-lite with drug dealer cred way) for a long time. While he’s still a pretty skilled MC considering he’s pushing 50, he has not had anything interesting to say for quite a while.
Correct! First the fake retirements, then the stupid stunt where Samsung or whoever bought a million of his records so it went “platinum” the first day (so lame), and then he and Beyonce effectively pimped out their own marital infidelity issues so they could create tabloid-fueled hype for their albums!
Been saying this for years. At the risk of getting Bey-hived, we realize these are the same people who - despite already being billionaires - decided to capitalize on their own marital infidelity issues by making a Beyonce album about it, then a response Jay-Z album about it, and then a joint album about it (!!) just…
I support the principle behind unions but have you ever seen how some of them act? This is the same kind of flawed logic police unions push: “You either support all of us, or you don’t support any of us.”
Agree 100% about his performance being worthy. While I generally lean toward not taking off-field stuff into account for HOF voting, I can’t deny I take particular pleasure over Schill’s inability to get in.
I’m aware of that. I think a lot of it is just the hoity-toity ass voice. Sounds like somebody who talks down to valets and brags about summering in Kennebunkport.
Really? Sterling strikes me as the most preening, pretentious avatar of contrived Yankee superiority. You just know his wrinkly dick stiffens up when he talks about the no-beards rule and them being the “classiest organization in sports.”
I realize this is not even remotely close to the point but that is quite obviously not a river
And those differences are.....
Yeah I actually think it does need more. Old people hypocritically criticize young people for imagined etiquette violations all the time, irrespective of race.
Agree though I think this is an odd choice since it’s really more critical of the USWNT player than it is Barstool. Despite it being very unclear whether she actually did anything
I hear what you’re saying and I think that when Barstool or Portnoy or one of his untalented goons over there do some tone-deaf shit, go ahead and call them out. This post isn’t even criticizing them...I guess it’s policing athlete’s who might affiliate with them in some sense? Kind of unclear.
I don’t think it’s jealousy at all. But I agree the whole shtick is really tiresome. Barstool obviously has an audience and this kind of callout culture stuff is only going to drive them further into their trench.
I mean there’s a lot wrong with our system....but please find me one case of a convicted murderer being elected to local office. I feel pretty confident that would be flagged by an opponent or local press (where it still exists)