
It was for all intents and purposes an open net, for anyone who isn’t complete trash. An 8 year old would have put that away.

What a fucking weasel. I could give a shit about someone deliberately ignoring embargoes on stuff like this, but this guy trying to cover himself while doing it so that he could be the first to break the SCOOP OF THE FUCKING CENTURY comes off as pretty slimy.

Misleading to use the average household donation for comparison, median would give a better idea of what normal people are doing (although it might not help your point).

It was the definition of Gamergate-esque you fucking loser.

Maybe 20 years ago, certainly not today.

In 2014, they had The Duck floating here outside of a local museum for a few weeks. People were going nuts over it, so we walked down after happy hour to check it out.

Is it really that hard to write your own reviews? Does IGN pay particularly well? What the fuck would motivate someone who has no interest in writing their own reviews to become a game critic? If you’re that comfortable being a total fraud, aren’t there more profitable avenues than video game journalism?

Yeah, well, UVA should have been good for the last decade based on their recruiting alone, yet they still continue to find new ways to fuck it up every year. You’re telling me that they’ve turned a corner just because they managed not to completely suck for one half of last season, before promptly reverting to their

Regarding the platforming area you’re referring to, I agree it was an absolute nightmare. But when I finally got through it, I heard that there was an ADDITIONAL optional platforming area within that area and decided to check out a video to see if it was something I might be remotely interested in. NOPE.

Ryan Lochte is a moron, but that’s a pretty stupid rule about IV infusions having to be less than 100mL when it’s a permitted substance. I get why you wouldn’t want athletes doing it immediately before or after a competition, but otherwise who gives a shit? Not to mention 100mL is a totally fucking arbitrary amount.

Wow, I was playing over the weekend and might have written this blog in my head, with slightly different rankings:

Medical professional here (clinical pharmacist). Fluoroquinolones continue to be among the most overprescribed class of antibiotics despite their risks—I am not saying patients should be terrified of Cipro and every other drug they’re prescribed because of effects that might occur in 1-2 patients out of every million

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious that there is something medically wrong at this point.

Truly shocking that a fairly intelligent person with at least a bit of drive can find a way to make money in a field populated primarily with complete losers and morons.

I could be remembering this wrong, but I thought I read something several years ago about LeBron having to take salt tablets during games to prevent cramps due to excessive sweating?

I’m a casual player who has mostly stopped playing D2 and IDGAF about thestupid faction tokens at all. There’s really nothing rewarding about spending time collecting something so you can turn it in for a CHANCE at mostly underwhelming loot.

Jesus, fuck off.

I thought it was good but not essential. He nailed the tone and feeling of the original without doing anything to cast in a different light, which was honestly the best part about it.

One reason why people hate Floyd Mayweather is because he’s a boring fighter. He’s great at winning, but his style isn’t entertaining to watch. Barrios needs to either embrace the heel role or play the game differently. Unfortunately there are haters in every sport. There’s no escaping it.

Now playing

This is easy. When I was really young, my parents bought me a Nintendo Power subscription, which came with a free copy of Dragon Warrior for NES. I looked it up just now, that promotion was in 1990, meaning I was four years old at the the time and didn’t understand RPGs at all.