Its weird the things we keep to remember those passed.
Its weird the things we keep to remember those passed.
This reminds me of the story from a long time ago, where the son would race against his dads ghost in a racing game... but never would beat it so he could play against his dad anytime he wanted.
Hard disagree on the graphics mode. The image is softer but the lack of a motion blur slider makes the 30fps very hard to look at. FFXVI greatly benefited when they added a slider to dial back the intensity of it so it might be a viable option here if they do the same.
I don’t care too much about fps but it just felt super janky in graphics mode and kinda made me feel ill. I almost turned it off until I found the performance mode. Then it was smooooooooth sailing.
So Square Enix, whose entire marketing strategy is going to TEDx conferences to look for random keywords they can slap onto their quarterly earnings reports will... continue to use this as their entire business model.
Alan Wake 2 is the single best narrative experience I’ve ever had in a video game, moving text-based Planetfall for the C64 to spot 2 for me. If I play through again (not something I do for narrative games), I’d do so on easy. The combat is fun, but can be brutal, expecially given the scarcity of save points. I don’t…
100% endorse. Remedy doesn’t feel like they should exist, and the fact that they do and keep getting to make weirder and braver stuff makes me endlessly happy.
Holy shit, did not expect to see Walter come up in this review, he’s a regular hometown hero around these parts (Just wrapped up a 4 week class he put on at the arts center in Arvada and looking forward to the next one he’ doing in January). He’s also the perfect person to pull a quote from for this game.
And you put…
Missing projections by 45% is not the same as revenue being down 45%.
Actually they used the most recent up date to the 5E rules where racial bonuses are no longer a thing. Instead during character generation you get to pick one stat that gets a +2 and another that gets a +1. Its done to move away from racial bonuses. Now different races mostly just change your appearance and give…
ok I was waiting for the game to *define* strand in the first place.
You’re not. The game didn’t seem to resonate much with capital-G Gamers, like the kind that frequently discuss games on the internet, but it has an 86 on Metacritic and is widely regarded as a masterpiece.
Based on comments here and elsewhere I feel as if I’m in the minority, but I am one of the few that absolutely loved this game and it’s overriding message. Yes, Kojima loves the sound of his own voice and smell of his own farts, but the central theme of the game is accurate and true.
It’s because it was a buzzy new technology, which always carries a mix of executive/investor FOMO and a desire to cash in on the buzz.
This is fine. The rare mobile game I do play regularly is Golf Clash, but I’m always rolling my eyes when I get matched with an opponent from a clan called “Trump Is God” or “NeoTERFMasters” (ok, half a point for clever stupidity)
I always love it when developers explain the reasons behind decisions because its both very informative, and listening to capital ‘G’ Gamer accusations is exhausting. If you ask Twitter, 30fps is becase devs just need to move the FPS slider on the Engine Screen up to ‘60', and refusing to do so are Devs being LAZY.
Nothing screams “I’m not bothered or riled up” like a wall of text about how funny it is to you. Reddit is (soon to be was) a platform run by its users, ya dink. All your presuppositions are wrong
(could also be a lot of places in Australia have perfectly fine and functional public transport, which is convenient to use and a lot cheaper than paying for parking)