
As a liberal, reading these replies has been really fucking depressing. The level of smarm is off the charts. - Women do spend more money than men, although a lot of this spending could be actually be attributed to traditional gender roles (i.e. the article mentions up that women do the vast majority of grocery shopping), so I don’t really think that helps his point.

I don’t entirely disagree with your point on Meltzer initially saying it was a work because he’s a fan of that style, but NJPW has been known to go to extremes to swerve their own employees in the past. I guess some degree of skepticism was understandable.

Why would the Cialis have banned substances in it if he got it from a pharmacist? Gas station attendant would have been more believable. Guess it doesn’t matter since the morons at USADA bought it anyway.

Boy, that Zima really sneaks up on you.

I read this over several times and couldn’t figure out where Sanders blamed the poor. He said “declining middle class.” Making $50,000-100,000/yr or even slightly more is obviously better than many Americans do, but it certainly doesn’t put you in any sort of elite category in America, and those people have absolutely

If it’s real, then why are we criticizing the NFL for being tough on it?

I hope it’s something worse than weed for humanity’s sake.

Unpopular opinion: the co-op missions in MW2 are way more fun than anything they’ve done in the other CoD games with zombies, aliens, etc.

Just a thought, but maybe consider redirecting your anger at the dickwads who created a academic system where angry helicopter parents can get whatever the fuck they want instead of blaming the only generation of adults who had absolutely no hand in that.

These days I see more partisan articles and blog posts on Facebook (coming from both sides of the political spectrum) than I ever want to, but the stuff from the less reputable conservative news blogs tends to more commonly fall under the category of blatant misinformation than their liberal counterparts, where the

Regardless of the matchmaking and lack of dedicated servers, the game’s current netcode has a bizarre way of rewarding idiots who choose to steal wi-fi from Panera 3 blocks away at the expense of players who are paying for a stable, fast connection. It’s the exact opposite of what you get in most other online FPS