Horseasaurus Rex got a new lappy tappy

I mean, yes of course, but there’s no vaccine for leprosy and it’s quite treatable anyway.  But I get your point.

I used to disagree with Pratt being on the bottom, but honestly, his appearance alongside the other Chrises in Avengers sealed it for me.  Him, onscreen, next to Hemsworth???? No contest.  Also Pratt is so fucking christian and preachy now, blech.

LOL so much yes.  I biked RAGBRAI last year (massive bike ride clear across Iowa) and near EVERYONE is like, oh but at least Iowa is flat.  No henny, Kansas is flat.  Iowa is chock full of rolling hills, wall to wall.  Fuck those hills.

I’m pregnant in the Bay Area and having an out-of-hospital birth.  We got a list of recommended pediatricians at one point, one of which was called out as being “flexible on vaccinations.” Which just.  ugh.

lately I’ve been seeing people refer to the traditionally “pro-life” folks as “forced birthers”.  This is terminology that is more accurate IMO and gets at your point.

One of the theories behind why the US often has poorer medical outcomes than other industrialized countries despite our out of control spending is that there are no nation-wide standards of care. This bill (it would seem) would be a step in that direction (obv Medicare for All would be THE step but I digress).

Ooooof I mean I understand the argument that they aren’t staffed adequately to monitor women for hours in labor, but JEEZUs that is NOT a good reason to have over 50% C-section rate.  YIKES.COM

All this is reminding me of a co-worker of mine who EXCLUSIVELY refers to his SO as his “other half”.  To the point where I wonder if maybe they never got married and he refuses to call her his girlfriend? Which, fine, I get it.  He’s in his 50s and they have like 6 kids and appear to be totally stable.  But if she is

Plenty of rapists have ED.

plus, research shows that 45 voters’ economic anxiety disappeared once he was elected.  They only felt that way b/c Obama was in office.  I *wonder* what it was about him driving their anxiety... hmm...

My husband used to be a Chacos dude.  Our lives have improved immeasurably since I forced him to switch to Birkenstocks.  The Milano, with the back strap.  Far more durable than Chacos and cuter, IMO.

Is this demonstrably true? I’d love to see an article/data about this, I’m truly curious.

I don’t disagree.  I’m a full supporter of death with dignity.  However, I also think that the full extent of treatment options should have been explored if death was the alternative.

I’ve read, though, that the severely depressed often have memory problems as a baseline, so assessing if the memory loss is due to the treatment vs. the underlying disease is quite difficult.

I’m no Juul apologist, but this cannot possibly be true.  On any metric.

eh I don’t think it’s quite as clearcut as that. Any inhaled particulate can damage the lung tissue (apparently career bakers can have lung issues, incl cancer, IIRC, from inhaled flour). The fact that you’re still inhaling *something* other than air seems potentially problematic.

alas I cannot even nap with makeup on. My eyes water uncontrollably the minute my head hits the pillow.

I don’t quite understand the denial.  My understanding is that ECT has little to no proven long-term risks, even in children.  She was 17, not 7.  The fact that it can be quite effective at relieving intractable depression is not to be missed in this case.  It seems, given the alternative of letting her die, the risks

lol what fresh hell.  this app is stupid but this piece is art.

she’s supposed to be apolotical and furthermore she’s meant to put propriety above all else.