You do realize that the FMVSS is, like, a series of documents that a person can read, right?
You do realize that the FMVSS is, like, a series of documents that a person can read, right?
It’s minor and mundane, but welcome to the modern world full of regulations. If you start letting 1 manufacturer slip by, then it becomes a snowball effect and others will start cutting corners too. If 3.2mm is the font limit, then so be it. It’s ultimately a good thing, especially for customers, and keeps…
The real issue is probably not one of practical safety, but one of, once again, Tesla just feels that established rules do not apply to them. Every other automaker gets this established, easy and non-controversial issue right, and Tesla just says, nah, ‘eff it, we’re going to disrupt warning gauges for the hell of it.
Is this a small issue? Sure. But...the font on the right sure is way easier to read than the font on the left, despite even the image on the right being a lower resolution image than that on the left. Was the disparity in image quality intentional?
I think you are correct. The ingenuity of humanity will be canceled out by the dickishness of humanity.
Thanks for the pic - that really helps provide context and demonstrate that the post-recall version is massively superior.
Elon still won’t let you suck his dick.
“Voluntary recall” almost always means that NHTSA went to the vendor and said “There’s a problem, and you don’t seem to be fixing it. It sure would be a shame if the government had to issue a recall instead of you doing it yourself. Sure would be a shame.” The UI on the right is FAR superior.
Tesla is so good at inventing the dumbest problems
I’m a designer- sure, I’m just an advertising designer, but one of the biggest lessons in design works across all forms of design- If you want to think “out of the box,” it’s important to understand the box. To know why this box exists. To understand that there are reasons countless other designers have created this…
As a former victim of one of these kinds of private Xtian schools, I can say I am not surprised that they are making up rules as they go. The entire point of these schools is to allow for the discrimination that Brown v. Board was supposed to prevent. When your founding principle is shunning “evil” to make yourself…
I’ve always liked this BDTH.
CarMax Won’t Give You MSRP For Your Cybertruck
If you don’t have a problem with that pass, you should not be driving.
Obviously it would best to just keep Jones tied up in a sack, but I don’t particularly mind letting him back on to the hellsite, so long as his engagement earnings are direct deposited to the accounts of the people he owes however many billions of dollars to.
Biting the hand that feeds you...why, it’s “genius”.
I’ve said it before - he’s pulling a full “Henry Ford in his fifties”, aging into a reactionary, anti-semitic crank. Only instead of a pet newspaper he has a social media site.
Has he tried not being a cunt?
He’s a billionaire who bought an entire social network just so he could yell to a captive audience and force them to pay attention to him.
One Night Only!