Wyoming is in MI
Wyoming is in MI
Wyoming is a burb of GR.
Wyoming, MI is a suburb of Grand Rapids.
Wyoming, MI is a suburb of Grand Rapids.
That is definitely my home town and I definitely know more than 1 person who has stolen vibrators from there.
And people should go to jail for victimless crimes. In my state she probably would get some community service, not sure how it works in that backwoods state though. Why not just take it back whats the point of arresting her?
Lark sounds like a woman who is not okay trying to sound like she is okay. I recall reading that she's had some bouts with mental health issues. All of the best to her.
Actor James Garner of Maverick and The Rockford Files TV series, but probably best known to our generation as Old Duke from The Notebook
She should have kept a spreadsheet showing the decrease in ejaculate over several months.
God shut up already.
Guild jobs pay well. I've heard that guild reporter jobs at the Times start around 90k. Of course, the real entry-level jobs at the Times are non-union editorial assistant type jobs, which I think pay like 40k?
It's almost as sad as when older women find out Anderson Cooper is gay. Sorry, Aunt Sue!
Too much work, easier to steal from small artists on tumblr who don't have the money to fight a legal battle, then wishy-washily pull the product when called on it while never turning over a penny of the profits to the rightful owners.
Urban I got an idea and I'm just spit ballin, but... What if you found some unknown designers from diverse cultures, (Navajo, Indian, African, Caribbean, etc) Hired them, have them design some collections for you. So it would be Urban outfitters in collaboration with so and so Indian designer. and then you would be…
They are all owned by the same parent company and are all great places to work if you are lgbt or otherwise.
Always remember Urban Outfitters, Free People, and Anthropologie in all their hip/indie/twee fashion wonderlandness are owned by people who actively donate to Rick fucking Santorum and anti-choice causes. DON'T SHOP THERE!
Great idea! Oh...but they would probably call me a slut. lol.