
The first dog my husband and I fostered ended up being our first failed foster because the family who adopted Cody from us had to give him back. It was a family with two young children, and the two-year old son turned out to be violently allergic to the dog, to the point of having to go to the hospital one night

I don't keep up with soccer - when did they switch to sudden death game-ending shootouts?

I hate to get pedantic (I love to get pedantic) but you can’t spell a French Canadian name wrong on a hockey post. It’s Dufresne.

Hey Nathan, while you’re here could you look over our financials? Things aren’t going so well..

A few weeks ago I witnessed a Trax’s motor go kablamo. First there was a little white smoke coming from the tailpipe, then it got worse. Then it got much worse and the smoke got a darker and filled up the entire intersection with nasty oily-coolant-metal on metal smelling thick smoke.

Who would’ve thought, states that continuously cut taxes run out of money?

At least he can catch a bullet

I love that that’s the only shiny part of the car.

As far as platforms go, you notice a difference between a Toyota Camry and a Mazda6 or a Corola and. Mazda3.

Looks like the Leafs have decided that Phaneuf’s Phaneuf!

I’ll show myself out.

In unrelated news...the BBQ restaurant across the street from the accident scene announced tonight’s dinner special would be fresh squid.

Disclaimer: No brain cells were harmed in this video

Black Back Ball Busted, Battery Believable.

So. Montee’s struggles with Ball control continue.

Maybe they’ll get real grass some day...

I was once in the window seat of a row of three. There was a gentleman in the aisle seat. As the boarding process ended, it became clear that the middle seat was to remain blissfully empty and I felt immediate relief, until the gentleman picked himself up, scooted over, and started to lower his ass into the vacant

Now playing

The BBC is paying him by signed photos of James May.

Scion became a man and became Toyota.

It wasn’t axed, it just had its Brand Mitzvah.