
I usually love the image work here, but come on, y’all know this isn’t what Drew was wearing.

I knew it, I’m surrounded by Assholes.

But Cleveland isn’t in the playoffs this year...

This would’ve been funnier had you posted a “Root For the Cardinals in the Playoffs” article that was completely blank.

Maybe you are confused. This is a list of teams you can root for in the playoffs.

I’m not a doctor, but the last clear opportunity is probably before third base, but without ruining second base (assuming no skin-to-skin erogenous-zone contact there), at least based on existing sex-metaphor guidelines. We’ll call it the Shortstop Disclosure Mandate.

DraftKings will answer the information requests once the attorney general exceeds the minimum for withdrawal (10,000 information requests).

It’s a sad but true fact that when Scott Walker massively reduced funding to the University of Wisconsin system, one of the first things to be cut from the budget was the Female orgasm.

Be careful. All this talk about illegal bats might get Kansas City Royals fans excited.

Neutral: Why by a new VW Jetta , when you can get a VW-owned used Porsche for less?

All I know is he always had a problem with 12 men

He’s got a point. Jesus did suffer from chronic rib injuries.

Every time he was sacked under a pile it would take him, like, 3 days to rise again

When Bears fans were asked about Cutler being back in the lineup this week “They shouted back, ‘No, not him! Give us Barabbas!’”

First they came for the Expos, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not from Montreal.

And the disciple whom Jesus loved went unto Jesus, and he asked Him, “Lord, wherefore doth one find the courage to strive unto the playoffs? Dost thou embrace God or does one throw unto the wideout a floppy airball until thou findest the end-zone? Pray guide us, oh Lord!”

Let us all worship at alter of St Jay, in the Church of Immaculate Indifference.