I am ashamed at how much I giggled while typing it out.
I am ashamed at how much I giggled while typing it out.
She does plan on filing counter-charges against Amy Rodriguez for beating her on the near post last night.
I wouldn’t get the LX 570. It’s one of the most gaudy, showy cars on the market. It looks like it belongs on the Jersey Shore. The Land Cruiser is a much subtler way of saying the same thing.
A short list of Flips that deserved better:
If his (hopefully far down the line) successor isn’t an obvious HOF candidate by game 3 we’re gonna be pissed
You really did just think up a t-shirt Aaron Rodgers should wear.
“If I dated Olivia Munn I’d be the best at going in and out of the pocket toO!” - burners everywhere
All due respect to your “1st clip is better” stance, but that 2nd clip is bananas.
I have it on very good authority from Strawberry Shortcake that Blueberry Muffin’s vagina* does, in fact, taste like blueberry.
I figured it was a scar caused by the friction of the giant brass balls of the crew of the tanker dragging down the runway.
The mark on the runway isn’t from the f4, it’s a result of the pilot’s pants finally exploding.
Oh, okay then. Here goes.
I feel like there may be a flaw in your plan if you're relying on punting to stick it to another team.
Tomlin was initially against the idea, but Ben wouldn't take no for an answer.
He needs to stop alternating excuses and get directly to their current issues.
Rude knee! Rude knee! Rude knee!
“It’s a Fine Line Between Family and Incest... The AL-MS State Line!”
Who is this a jab at? Not being from that part of the world, I actually don’t know. Is Alabama more incesty than Mississippi? Vice Versa?