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Go for the eyes, Boo!

The Stormtroopers vs. the Ewoks in Episode 6 is an analogy of the Vietnam War. The Stormtroopers represent the American military - overconfident in their advanced military technology, thinking this battle will be over in minutes. The Ewoks represent the Viet Cong - fighting on their home turf, having less technology

He has a purple lightsaber because that was one of two stipulations Jackson had to agreeing to be in the prequels:  he wanted a purple lightsaber (because purple is his favorite color), and he wanted a grand death and “not to go out like a bitch”.

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I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought of Pitch Black during this episode.

This season is only a few years before A New Hope. Lando would only be a few years younger than what he looks like in Empire.

Jackson said in an interview at the time The Phantom Menace came out that when talking to Lucas he agreed to play Windu but only had 2 stipulations - he wanted a purple lightsaber, and although he knew his character would have to die before the prequel trilogy ended, he wanted a great death. Both of which Lucas

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Anyone expecting Kallus to have any more nuance will be sorely disappointed.”

Lucas had nothing to do with the Holiday Special.  Don’t blame for creating a Wookie named Lumpy.

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Saying this is based on King’s novel in the credits is a reach.  I really expected to see “Based on characters created by Stephen King” or “Inspired by Pet Sematary by Stephen King”.

Go for the eyes, Boo!  GO FOR THE EYES!

In Shatty Daddy we trust.

“I loved you in Wall Street!”


Ashley’s whole persona seemed to be based around how she wrote all of her songs - how she dreamed them and wrote them down when she woke up. Hiring songwriters would go against that.