
“but Frank and Amy are part of the simulation, just one of thousands of iterations designed to test the resilience of the real life Amy and Frank as romantic partners.”

San Junipero was NOT a happy ending”

Yeah, that comes across as someone who never watched the episode but read a 1-2 summary of it on Wikipedia.

“I am once again dropping the episode down a full letter grade over the A.I. intro. I know it’s an effectively meaningless and performative ‘punishment,’”

“prompting Gravik to just rip his hand out like the dude in John Wick: Chapter 4 before watching it heal with what may be Super Skrull powers”

I get the idea that when automobiles were a new invention he would be giving them all failing grades and saying that they were taking jobs away from hard-working horses.

Tell me you don’t know of all the bad things Scientology does without telling me you don’t know of all the bad things Scientology does.

I did find it strange that Cheadle was in the opening credits but did not appear onscreen in this episode.  I didn’t catch that it was his voice on that phone call though.

We are told that Mia is an architect that deals with environmental issues, and there were many shots of factories with smoke pumping into the sky, and a pipeline going along the highway.  I thought the environment was going to be a bigger part of Mia’s descent into crime.

“a nasty tale of a selfish woman brought down by not killing enough.”

“who is now filled with regret and wants to write an anonymous letter to the police”

“a pair of addled youngsters inadvertently run over a guy with a bike while driving through the gorgeous, otherwise empty, countryside. The driver, male, decides the best thing to do is to dump the body in a sleeping bag, fill the bag with rocks, and through the whole thing to a lake.”

Mia knew that even if her ex (can’t remember his name) did an anonymous letter and didn’t name her, it would re-open the bicyclist’s death and lead to a new investigation. She was worried that the investigation would eventually lead back to her ex, who would likely admit everything as part of his AA penance, and even

Without the guinea pig all Mia would have to do when the police showed up and said “You were the next person Shatia was going to see before she disappeared” would be to say “I never saw her, she never showed up here.”  The police have no reason to suspect her - Mia has no connection to Shatia.  They would be more

Yes - in a world where insurance investigators have access to this level of memory retrieval, it makes sense that the police would have even better memory retrieval technology.

She pushed him and he hit his head when he hit the floor - we see some blood there.  And then I think she suffocated him by pressing her arm across his windpipe.

We saw Mia dragging her ex’s body around multiple times and her expending energy when doing it. She wasn’t portrayed as someone with superhuman strength.

When the bicyclist was killed Mia wanted to call the cops because she knew it was an accident and she was not to blame. She knew that she would not be blamed and would not lose anything.

Mia almost watched WraithBabes in the hotel.

If the guinea pig hadn’t been there, or if she had killed the guinea pig, I’m not sure if the police investigation would have led straight to Mia. They likely would have retraced Shatia’s steps but there’s no proof that she talked to Mia at all.  Even if the police were able to discover that she was going to talk to