
Hector tells Kenny that the hackers downloaded his entire hard drive, so Kenny assumes they did the same to him when they recorded him, including browser history, screen grabs, etc.

The court of public opinion - especially the targets’ family and co-workers - are what the targets are really worried about.

When you’re a teenager, having something like that revealed to everyone you know would literally feel like the end of the world.

Kenny’s mother calls him at the end of the episode and yells at him for “looking” at pictures of children.

His reaction to his mother’s phone call when she was accusing him of watching pictures of children is the proof that was what he was watching while masturbating.

But the one being punished is not “the dude”. It’s an artificial construct of his mind. The real dude is another cell and has no idea what’s going on - he’s just told “We created a cookie of your mind and that cookie confessed, so you’re guilty.”

This episode really feels like they wanted to do a super-sized special episode for Christmas, but they didn’t have one story idea that was sufficient, so they grabbed 3 smaller ideas that had been in the writers room for awhile but weren’t big enough for their own episodes, and smushed them together into this episode.

I didn’t see anyone here reference this but the “blocking” part of this episode reminded me of an episode of the 1980s Twilight Zone episode called “To See The Invisible Man” (based on a story by Robert Silverberg).

I did laugh when Hamm is explaining the idea of a cookie to the cookier-program and asks her if she knows what a Xerox is and then says “Of course you wouldn’t”, indicating that this is set far enough in the future that Xerox machines are not around or something that the average person would know about.

Long jaunt! Long jaunt!”

There’s an episode of the 1980s Twilight Zone reboot called “To See The Invisible Man” where certain criminals are sentenced to be “invisible”. They get a brand on their forehead and anyone that sees them has to pretend they don’t see or hear them. There are drone-like objects flying around everywhere to keep people

Except “Nick Fury” in FFH was Talos pretending to be Fury.

Reed appearing DS2 just meant that in an alternate universe the Fantastic Four exist. That doesn’t mean they exist in the MCU’s universe.

Yeah, at the end of the film I kept waiting for someone to say something to explain why Indy was no longer wanted for murder.  Just one line of dialogue to explain it.  Oh well.

Surprised that no one mentioned the character of Jack Napier, which is the name sometimes given to the Joker’s real identity - most famously seen in Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman film. Seems odd that they would randomly choose this name for this character.

“Under Jack’s control, Waldo has a nastier, more violent streak to him, and incites crowds into throwing shoes and beating people up. This is even harder to believe, especially in the real-world atmosphere the episode creates”

I thought I heard that it had been announced in the last week or two that Ford was playing *President* Ross in Cap4.

Remember the evil surveillance program in The Winter Soldier that Cap and Fury brought down SHIELD to stop?

Is there a sadder moment then How Deep Is Your Love coming on the radio and Ash saying “Cheesy”?

Did someone mention the Grimace?