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Florida Man/Woman + Tesla owner = hilarity.

My favorite boat launch story.

“...they’re very lucky the children didn’t end up in Mexico or Latin America or wherever.”


I blame this on people are stupid and don’t know how to drive/use their cars.

I don’t think Telsa is stupid enough to release a car looking like the black cybertruck in the pics above.

If you’re going to show an example of your new vehicle in public, why would you use the most jacked-up prototype you can find? 

I think it’s fair to point out how poorly designed/built the Cybertruck is.

I don’t think “cachet” matters when you’re buying a car for less than $4,000.

I find it’s better to think of it as how much interest you’re paying over the term of the loan, not based on what you’re paying monthly.

Except for everything about it, it was the perfect plan!

You read about crimes like this and you have to ask yourself: “Did this guy have a plan for not getting caught?”

Ummm, this car is broken. One wheel going one way and the other pointed straight, lol. Is that a symptom of the “death wobble” I’m always hearing about?

Sorry, modified, 190,000 miles, in primer, no interior pics, and bad ball joints. No Dice, I am out.

Stuffed Gorilla needs to be part of the deal or ND

That’s a bit steep for fuck-it money to me, but for some reason it strikes me as an appealing project. Like flyingstitch, the headliner somehow hooked me. Perhaps because it would be essentially impossible to get it back to this state if it were torn, filthy, or missing.

I'm having a hard time feeling bad for anyone here...

After all the stuff Hertz pulled on it’s customers, I say play the sad violin.

No, they are complaining that the massively dropped prices have killed the resale value of the Tesla’s they already own. A huge part of the rental industry cash flow is selling the cars used.